Every single week I play a game of tennis against a friend. We are both 3.5/4 rated players and only play once a week due to work / other commitments. We have played once a week for about 4 months straight, and even though the scoreline is usually close, I have lost EVERY single time.
You can imagine how frustrating this is.
I feel like we are so close in ability, but I never have the time to practice to improve other than the matches we have. I always try to assess the mistakes that I make to improve next time we play, but it seems we are both progressing at a similar rate. I'm sure lots of other people are in the same situation, who have figured out how to get one up on an opponent they play regularly.
Any tips?
Is it possible to improve without being on the court?
Should I watch loads of online tennis tutorials?
Would focusing on tactics be the best way of going around it?
I'm interested to see what people suggest.
Every single week I play a game of tennis against a friend. We are both 3.5/4 rated players and only play once a week due to work / other commitments. We have played once a week for about 4 months straight, and even though the scoreline is usually close, I have lost EVERY single time.
You can imagine how frustrating this is.
I feel like we are so close in ability, but I never have the time to practice to improve other than the matches we have. I always try to assess the mistakes that I make to improve next time we play, but it seems we are both progressing at a similar rate. I'm sure lots of other people are in the same situation, who have figured out how to get one up on an opponent they play regularly.
Any tips?
Is it possible to improve without being on the court?
Should I watch loads of online tennis tutorials?
Would focusing on tactics be the best way of going around it?
I'm interested to see what people suggest.
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