Well as you know my US K90 with a 16g Poly came in at 335 SW with 32.5cm balance at 360grams. I shaved off bumper, replaced leather grip with synthetic, strung it with a lighter 17g synthetic string and removed foam material from top of grip and added 5grams of lead to buttcap;and Voila!!!! a 305 SW strung K90 with 30.5cm balance at 345grams. I had successfully lowered the SW of my US K90 a whopping 30 points!!!!!!!!
Normally strung with a regular 17g synthetic without any modification, a US K90 swings at around 330. If you decide to string with a full 16g Poly that will bump up your SW around 5 points.
Anyway, this new 305 SW US K90 is not even considered an Asian K90, it is lighter. It might as well be called (K)ajun. It is very maneuverable and lost some of its stability. I think I have gone over board with lowering the swing weight of the US K90. Some where between 335 SW and 305 SW there is a magic # and that magic # might be 320, a true Asian K90. I might just add 10grams of lead around 3/9 and see how it goes.
Will keep you updated.
Just some ref posts
Normally strung with a regular 17g synthetic without any modification, a US K90 swings at around 330. If you decide to string with a full 16g Poly that will bump up your SW around 5 points.
Anyway, this new 305 SW US K90 is not even considered an Asian K90, it is lighter. It might as well be called (K)ajun. It is very maneuverable and lost some of its stability. I think I have gone over board with lowering the swing weight of the US K90. Some where between 335 SW and 305 SW there is a magic # and that magic # might be 320, a true Asian K90. I might just add 10grams of lead around 3/9 and see how it goes.
Will keep you updated.
Just some ref posts
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