How to remove staples from Butt Cap


Hall of Fame
In my experience, often the staples break when you try to remove them.... It can get real pain in the butt (cap) to get them out.


Screw driver and/or pliers.

But I'm able to get a replacement job done pretty well without stapling the grip on the buttcap (but of course it'd be a little bit troublesome and need to take a bit care about the 1st 2 loops). So I never bother to remove it.


The staples on the nblade are set very deep... I have used a find screwdriver and had to hammer it to get under the staple.. Then use a pointy nose pliers.

It took quite a bit of time... Somebody said that they used duct tape to replace the cap instead of staples or tiny tacks


If there's a trap door on the nBlades (i can't recall whether or not this is the case), you can also open the trap door first. If the handle is hollow (again, i don't recall), you can use your pliers or flat headed screw driver to push/nudge the staples from the inside. This also helps keep damage on the outside of the handle to a minimum. This is pretty difficult, though, and requires a little bit of coaxing/muscle.


I believe there is a trap door.. There is a slot in the bottom of the butt.
It's interesting that the staples are in the small bevels 1,3,5,7 instead of in the bigger flatter bevels... All my wilson rackets are like this. Is there a reason for this.

I got the staples out but messed the cap up slightly (from all the digging)
I am going to ask wilson to send me an extra cap. Somebody told me that a piece of duct tape will do fine to hold the cap... I think I will give that a try before I bang in 4 tiny nails

That is one of the worst jobs in racquet care. So many times the staples are pushed in under the buttcap and near impossible to get to without damaging the pallet. I stabbed myself in the wrist with an awl a while ago trying to loosen a stubborn staple. I was not very happy about that.

Double Fault

All you have to do is use a flat screwdriver with the long side in the direction opposite to the racquet and use the buttcap's raised plastic edge as leverage to pull it out.

The question I have is where can I get those staples and how to apply them to place a new buttcap back in!

Jack & Coke

Did it bleed?

Nah.. works great!


Jack & Coke

Re: the heavy duty staples that attach the butt cap to the handle

1. drill a very very small hole into the plastic butt just next adjacent to the staple. You don't have to go very deep. This will allow you to get under the bridge of the staple.

2. use a flat nose screwdriver to leverage out the staple by angling one of it's corners into the small hole you just drilled.

  • Don't use a knife.. you'll either break the tip, or cut yourself.
  • These stapples are long and stubborn little suckers.. becareful not to over exert yourself - you might slip and damage the racquet or cut yourself.