How to return a BH down the line...I net it a lot lately?

As the title says. I've been having a hard time keeping the ball in play lately with my FH when my partner hit a medium pace bh down the line. I felt like I get to the ball fast enough but somehow say 8 out of 10 times I would net it trying to go crosscourt. Most of those times seeing him closing in. Question is what's the better option hit it back down the line or what's the secret to return it back crosscourt without dumping it into the net?

Opposite...I barely have this problem when changing direction on my bh side. I'd really appreciate any opinions you guys can offer.


You should go back xcourt because it sounds like your buddy's using the dtl bh as an approach shot and he'll play the line. It also sounds like you have an easy passing shot opportunity and you're dumping it because it seems too easy, at least until you miss. Just pick your spot and use some topspin. Don't go for an all out winner. I wish I had opponents approach to my fh side, I'd punish them all day.


Dont hit it down the line. Its a low percentage shot. Not to mention that if your buddy hits a DTL app shot, he will cover your DTL. Best choice there is to go xcourt for a winner. But as you say you are dumping those passing shots, go for the body. Jam him. Most of the time you will get an easy return.

Also dont try to clear the net with like 0.3 inch clearance, clear the net with at least 2 feet clearance.

I usually swipe the ball to make the ball have massive spin and use angles.


Talk Tennis Guru
Yes, to the above suggestions-- and-- it seems that you are at the point, now, where you are wanting to improve and build up your game. I am going to suggest that sometimes, rather than going out and playing a match, that, instead, you go out specifically to practice.

One thing you can try is simply rally at a medium pace. Try to control the ball with moderate topspin and nice, fluid strokes.

Start out hitting down the line- mix it up with some forehands and some backhands. Remember you are practicing, not trying to win a point.

Then do some crosscourt placements, both forehand and backhand (forehand to forehand, backhand to backhand).

Next start out just hitting back and forth down the middle. Try to alternate shots to your partner's forehand then the backhand-- while he does the same for you. GRADUALLY, hit the ball slightly farther away from the partner each time, not going for winners, just keeping the ball in play- still alternating shots to his forehand and the backhand.

Hopefully, this kind of practice will strengthen/groove your forehand crosscourt drive, as well as other shots.

Also, this would be a good time to go to the bookstore and buy a tennis book that concentrates on court strategy, percentage play and drills that you can to to prepare yourself for match play.

Good luck
thank you guys. so my idea was right trying to hit it back cross court. forgot to mention that when i said i net it alot it was going into the middle of net crosscourt. i just felt the pressure when my buddy closed in he was leaning towards the direction i was trying to pass which was a crosscut fh. may be i've gotta come around and hit from the outside of the ball or may be a lob might work better ....


When you pass crosscourt, remember your opponent will be noting where you are passing as well. Eventually, he will cover crosscourt. Expect it. Then go DTL. (Hitting around the ball works well for DTL as well.) You'll need to hit both ways in the end.