How to stop rattling sound in frame?


New User
One of my rackets has developed a rattling sound that sounds like sand rattling in the top hoop of the frame.

Any idea how to fix this?



Hall of Fame
One of my rackets has developed a rattling sound that sounds like sand rattling in the top hoop of the frame.

Any idea how to fix this?


Take out the strings.

Remove the butt cap.

bang the racquet on the ground while it's perpindicular to the floor..basically dropping it over and over on the butt cap as gently as possible. Most likely there are pieces of broken off frame inside the hoop that should come out of the bottom.


New User
I tried this...

I tried this but it didn't work. I have a Prince Diablo and the handle is filled with a foam type material. Nothing came out when I tapped it on the handle side. Any other ideas?

One of my rackets has developed a rattling sound that sounds like sand rattling in the top hoop of the frame.

Any idea how to fix this?


I'm pretty sure one of the grommets has been pushed in. I had this happened to one of my stick. My stringer at a pro shop told me that. Never bother to have it fixed. But I think if you want to fix this try take off the entire bumperguard as well as grommet and shake that piece off.


I'm pretty sure one of the grommets has been pushed in. I had this happened to one of my stick. My stringer at a pro shop told me that. Never bother to have it fixed. But I think if you want to fix this try take off the entire bumperguard as well as grommet and shake that piece off.
I think this is the right idea. If you can't shake it out through the handle, take off the grommet and try to shake it out through one of the portholes. It is usually a piece of the grommet or a small piece of the frame. Make sure you get a new grommet, because the old one won't go back into the holes. Good luck.


I think this is the right idea. If you can't shake it out through the handle, take off the grommet and try to shake it out through one of the portholes. It is usually a piece of the grommet or a small piece of the frame. Make sure you get a new grommet, because the old one won't go back into the holes. Good luck.


It will work..may take a bit of time to play around to get the little bit of graphite to come out the holes.. but it should work. I have done it before.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting!


I recently read that it is fairly common for this to happen with flashing from where the holes were drilled out. Sometimes the flashing breaks free inside the racket and does this.

You just need to do what the guys have said and you should be able to get it out.


I have a pro stock frame (a PT57A w/ FXP pj) and I got the same problem going on with it. It is the long strips of lead tape under the bumper, and the broken pieces of lead tape are making quite a rattle now. It happened before, like 6 months ago. At that time, I took off all the grommets, then tried to shake the tiny bits of lead out of the grommet holes. But when I started swinging and banging the grommet-less stick, the rattling sound disappeared on me!! Nothing came off...
So, did put the grommets back on (which putting back them on was a REAL PAIN IN THE ASS, partially due to me not being used to putting these on, I guess. And partially, I heard PT630 type grommets are tough to deal with even with experienced stringers. And my forte is with putting on a condom, not the grommet LOL. Anyways, when I was done with putting the grommets on finally, the disturbing rattling noise instantly came back!!! It turned me crazy. Now, 6 months later, I can clearly hear many more pieces of broken piece of lead tape strips every time I swing the stick.
I think I will have to put new grommets, and also must put new lead tape strips on the racquet as the ones on it kind of gotten old and can easily break. It will be lots of work, and I will have to be very careful so as not to change the balance of the stick, as it is a special frame...
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