How to win Mixed Doubles Tournament without becoming the Most Hated Man in the world?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 120290
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Deleted member 120290

I'm playing in a mixed doubles tournament tomorrow. It is supposed to be friendly but there is $500, $300, $200 prize money for 1st, 2nd, 3rd respectively. As far as I know, there is no such thing as a "friendly" match when money is involved.

At the same time I don't want to be killing or injuring female opponents and becoming a pariah. But if I don't hit my normal serves, ground strokes, volleys, overheads and instead slow down my swing, I could lose my rhythm and my game could go off the rails completely.

A couple of teams have very strong female players such as a coach and I have no problem hitting my normal strokes against them. But there are bound to be a few weaker and senior women players. I was thinking of swinging at my normal speed but using more, heavier topspin and hitting a lot of kick serves. That way I will keep my rhythm but not hurt the opposing female players. I've noticed that women tend to have a more difficult time than men with heavy topspin. I was also thinking of playing the net more to cut off weak replies.

Any suggestions, comments esp. from those with mixed doubles experience?


Hall of Fame
It's only possible to win at mixed without attacking the woman if you and your partner are the overall better combo. Assuming that everyone is at least equal skill as your pair, the winner is going to be decided by who has the strongest woman because they will have to make plays against a man.

If this is a mixed tournament with prize money then it's safe to say that the women playing in it should expect to be attacked.

Obviously, if your opponents are really weak and you can win while being "social" go ahead and do that. However, there are some women in their 40's and 50's that are fearsome at net and you cant give them any chance. You should be able to gauge their skill in the warmup or by scouting a bit before match time.

When in doubt, play it at the woman. You're going to lose the match if she gets "brave" at the net because she thinks you wont hit (at) her. Same thing against a brave net player in adult league. If they arnt turning around, retreating, or covering up when you're about to smash a put-away you're being way too easy on them. However, if they're turning around, retreating, or covering up and you repeatedly bean them, then you're an ass for basically killing someone who has surrendered the point. haha

Deleted member 120290

I guess my dad wasn't specific enough. He should have said, "Son, NEVER EVER hit a woman ... unless you are playing mixed doubles for money."


Hall of Fame
The only way to safely win as a male at mixed doubles is if you are better than other team's male player. If you can attack him and win, you are golden. If not, you are SOL. Scout the other guy before the match, look him up on tennusleaguestats, etc. If you are not sure you are better, bail out, fake an injury, or accept the loss. Because the minute you hit at the girl, your reputation is toast.


Hall of Fame
Of course, you could just enter mixed tourneys some distance from home where no one knows you.

Collect the cash and disappear back into the vapor.

Deleted member 120290

The only way to safely win as a male at mixed doubles is if you are better than other team's male player. If you can attack him and win, you are golden. If not, you are SOL. Scout the other guy before the match, look him up on tennusleaguestats, etc. If you are not sure you are better, bail out, fake an injury, or accept the loss. Because the minute you hit at the girl, your reputation is toast.
But even if I'm better than him, he will then hit all or most of the shots at my female partner. She and I played a practice set today against 2 guys, and as I suspected they hit every shot they could to her. She wound up hitting 3x as many shots as I did. We wound up winning 7-6 (4) because she lobs and defends well, and one of the opponents kept hitting overheads into the net.


I've won my fair share of MXD tournaments, both cash & for trophies & I've won them with HS players & 50 year old women, playing against HS prom dates, husband/wives, 2 college players, you name the combination. You're only as good as the female part of your partnership. If she can hold her own, then you'll succeed. Regardless of how good you are. Personally I like to break down the male player as much as I can, that way it's that much easier when or if you have to 'pick on' the female player.


Hall of Fame
But even if I'm better than him, he will then hit all or most of the shots at my female partner.

You have to be able to finish the point on him, hitting an overwhelming 1-2 combo to him before he can redirect the ball to your partner. You have to dictate the match on your racquet. So basically you have to be way better than him.

Matthew Lee

And then it becomes more awkward when you realize the opponent team's girl is better than the boy...whoops...


Hall of Fame
I'm playing in a mixed doubles tournament tomorrow. It is supposed to be friendly but there is $500, $300, $200 prize money for 1st, 2nd, 3rd respectively. As far as I know, there is no such thing as a "friendly" match when money is involved.

At the same time I don't want to be killing or injuring female opponents and becoming a pariah. But if I don't hit my normal serves, ground strokes, volleys, overheads and instead slow down my swing, I could lose my rhythm and my game could go off the rails completely.

A couple of teams have very strong female players such as a coach and I have no problem hitting my normal strokes against them. But there are bound to be a few weaker and senior women players. I was thinking of swinging at my normal speed but using more, heavier topspin and hitting a lot of kick serves. That way I will keep my rhythm but not hurt the opposing female players. I've noticed that women tend to have a more difficult time than men with heavy topspin. I was also thinking of playing the net more to cut off weak replies.

Any suggestions, comments esp. from those with mixed doubles experience?

I play a lot of mixed doubles. Different guys have different tolerances for going at the women, but the women themselves expect and accept it (those who don't usually quit mixed doubles quickly). In fact women will get irritated with a male partner that won't challenge the opposing woman, especially if her partner is picking on them.

The only time I treat the woman differently than the man is if we are both at or inside the service line and I get an easy ball. I will be more careful in placing it or consider a lob more strongly if she is the nearest player, especially if she the weaker of two opponents. I also don't intentionally target players (men or women) but if I try to rip a service return up the alley or up the middle and it ends up straight at them, that's life.

I don't hold back on my serve, because I would be giving up too many easy points if I did. She can always stand further back if she has to. I have hit women with my serve but it's more likely to be my spin second serve than my power serve anyway. In fact many times I only hit second serves to the woman because at the 3.5 to 4.0 level they often have more trouble dealing with spin than pace -- not because I'm worried I will kill them with a flat serve.


Hall of Fame
I'm playing in a mixed doubles tournament tomorrow. It is supposed to be friendly but there is $500, $300, $200 prize money for 1st, 2nd, 3rd respectively. As far as I know, there is no such thing as a "friendly" match when money is involved.

At the same time I don't want to be killing or injuring female opponents and becoming a pariah. But if I don't hit my normal serves, ground strokes, volleys, overheads and instead slow down my swing, I could lose my rhythm and my game could go off the rails completely.

A couple of teams have very strong female players such as a coach and I have no problem hitting my normal strokes against them. But there are bound to be a few weaker and senior women players. I was thinking of swinging at my normal speed but using more, heavier topspin and hitting a lot of kick serves. That way I will keep my rhythm but not hurt the opposing female players. I've noticed that women tend to have a more difficult time than men with heavy topspin. I was also thinking of playing the net more to cut off weak replies.

Any suggestions, comments esp. from those with mixed doubles experience?

If you have a solid T serve then I would recommend serving the ball T and have your partner poach for you. That way even if the ball comes back to your side of the court, off of the return of serve, you will still have an easier angle shot to hit.
It's a competitive match. Presumably everyone entering a tournament with a thousand dollars on the line knows how it is, including the women.

Play your game, go for your shots. As long as you're not trying to, like, injure the other people by taking their heads off with overheads or something, there's nothing unsportsmanlike or bad about hitting the ball like you normally would.

It's actually going to be pretty tough for you, because MXD strategy isn't the same as normal doubles strategy, it really often revolves around the fact that there's a big asymmetry in skill levels between the players. You can't just play it like normal doubles because then you'll find that all the shots are coming to your partner.


Being a jerk is the same regardless of whether your opponent is male or female. Smacking a short ball at someone above their waist is bad form either way. As someone noted above, women that play mixed know the deal and are expecting to get challenged.

Deleted member 23235

i'd imagine in a mixed dubs money tournament, the women can handle themselves.
i've played plenty of female players that hit the ball as hard or bigger than i do (and can definitely handle themselves at net).
personally, i'd presume I'd have to play "normal" as if i'm playing 2 guys... which may at times, call for hitting directly at the net person.

if the team is so unbalanced/out matched, then yeah, avoid drilling the weaker player (whoever it is)

ps. yesterday i played a match, where the bsaeline opponent got a sitter just beyond the service line... drilled at right at me at net. i dodged it, but it was fair game (it was obvious to anyone who's played at least 4.0 tennis, that they should take cover behind the net, or behind the racquet :p)
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Played my first MXD tournament last week. My mother in law was my partner. Pressure up the roof.

The guy was at the same level as I, but you could see he started playing tennis as a grommet. I started 4 years ago, so yeah, he had more sauce to his spaghetti.

The girl was the ultimate pusher. but the crazy thing is that my best stroke is by far the poachie volley (played Paddle for years reaching the national team) and I, somehow, could never reach her floattie balls. She was pretty consistent at her crosscourts.

My Partner hits both of her wings flat and agressive with a 110sq babolat, so yeah, not as consistent as the girl behind the net.

Funny thing is that I was playing CC with the girl and I ended up always aiming to the dude on the net. I just couldnt take it out of my head that I should beat HIM, not THEM.

Thats how we got shredded. Crucial mistake was trying to overpower him while he was trying to overpower my partner.

First match ever in MXD, next time I will forget about my ego and will think more about the money I invested on the tournament. 50 dolars for 2 Sets. Damn.


Hall of Fame
I'm playing in a mixed doubles tournament tomorrow. It is supposed to be friendly but there is $500, $300, $200 prize money for 1st, 2nd, 3rd respectively. As far as I know, there is no such thing as a "friendly" match when money is involved.

At the same time I don't want to be killing or injuring female opponents and becoming a pariah. But if I don't hit my normal serves, ground strokes, volleys, overheads and instead slow down my swing, I could lose my rhythm and my game could go off the rails completely.

A couple of teams have very strong female players such as a coach and I have no problem hitting my normal strokes against them. But there are bound to be a few weaker and senior women players. I was thinking of swinging at my normal speed but using more, heavier topspin and hitting a lot of kick serves. That way I will keep my rhythm but not hurt the opposing female players. I've noticed that women tend to have a more difficult time than men with heavy topspin. I was also thinking of playing the net more to cut off weak replies.

Any suggestions, comments esp. from those with mixed doubles experience?

For me I just play my game. If I play 8.0 mixed I feel like I have to bring my A game no matter who is across the net. If not the other team is going to take advantage especially if I am playing a 3.5 girl and a strong 4.5 guy.

I recently played a 7.0 league (went undefeated) and one match I played a 3.0 lady and 4.0 man and my sister and I beat them 7-6 6-0. The lady goes to the same local drill on Sunday afternoon's as I do and since that match she refuses to hit against me and always has a guy take her spot. Even though she will hit against every other guy on my side of the net :confused:. That being said if you play well and hit your shots the opposing team can think what they want of you. If you're not intentionally trying to hit the lady at the net than no one should hate you. They may not be very happy with losing but that's not your fault. Since this tournament is a prize money tournament HIT YOUR SHOTS. Do not let up. Your opponents know what is at stake and they know that money is on the line and they are going to do everything they can to win. Even though they may not admit it. If your opponents are afraid of the ball than they shouldn't play in that draw.

Mixed doubles has got to be the most mentally involved league/tournament draw there is. Either by trying to not hit the girl at the net or dealing with your partner who is worried about how good the guy is across the net. I have heard ladies complain about having to play a 4.5 guy who is also a college coach when they were playing 8.0 mixed. They would say things like "why would he even want to play against us" or "why is he even playing this level he is way too good he's pretty much a pro". Even though he was playing with a 3.5 girl who was lower rated than the girl who was complaining. I find mixed fun at times but also mentally draining because of how silly people can be with either the complaining and worrying about how much better opposing players are or doing obviously everything in their power, even if it's bending the rule, to recruit 4.5 players (men or women) to play with their 3.5s.

"In mixed doubles you're either a dick or you suck"
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Hall of Fame
Here is the deal. If you are playing 7.0 or 8.0 mixed and you want to win, hit at the girl/woman. They will talk junk about you later, may ruin your rep at the club, you'll get shunned or black balled from future league play, etc. But hey, at least you won. Do the ladies "know what they are getting into"? Sure. Does it matter? No, not a bit. People who lose a match are gonna talk later and say why. Maybe that particular woman didn't care, but her friend or her friend's friend will and you will get the rep of "that guy who goes at the girl". If I've seen it once, I've seen it 1,000 times. There are several cool dudes here locally that can't play mixed anymore because of this. No one calls them up. Why? They are "too aggressive" or "not nice to play with" or "dangerous". Translated, "my friend's friend played with them and he hit a body serve at her" or "I heard he went right at her on match point".

Now, if you are playing open level or for $$, all bets are off and do what you gotta do. An open level woman will send your junk back at you with interest. But 4.0 women? Nah, man. Make the smart play.


Hall of Fame
Played my first MXD tournament last week. My mother in law was my partner.

Wait, stop right there.



Played my first MXD tournament last week. My mother in law was my partner. Pressure up the roof.


First match ever in MXD, next time I will forget about my ego and will think more about the money I invested on the tournament. 50 dolars for 2 Sets. Damn.
You're viewing it all wrong...
Appeasing your mother in law for only $50 is about as good an investment as there is :)

Deleted member 120290

Thanks for the advice. Turns out I had nothing to worry about as most of the women were as good as or better than I. There were a few ex-junior players as well as coaches. There was only 1 team that had a weak female player. But the guy was so good he parked her in the alley and he covered 95% of the court and still beat us.


Hall of Fame
hit at the woman's feet only. she'll either miss or pop it up. finish the point by hitting the popped up shot through the man, or clean away from both.


Hall of Fame
This board is a really small slice of the tennis playing population. If you didn't take it seriously, you wouldn't spend time on this board.


The rest of the tennis world does not take it that seriously and if you hit at the woman, you will feel the repercussions.
Thanks for the advice. Turns out I had nothing to worry about as most of the women were as good as or better than I. There were a few ex-junior players as well as coaches. There was only 1 team that had a weak female player. But the guy was so good he parked her in the alley and he covered 95% of the court and still beat us.

Yep. It was a tournament with money on the line, everyone was on the same page.


This board is a really small slice of the tennis playing population. If you didn't take it seriously, you wouldn't spend time on this board.


The rest of the tennis world does not take it that seriously and if you hit at the woman, you will feel the repercussions.

It's a funny world. Women will take offence if you say you were trying not to hit at them but the second you do actually hit at them they will scream and everyone will give you a dirty look.

So best to just not hit at them and don't say why.

I personally prefer hitting to them rather than at them. Generally their the weaker player in most mixed setups so they are more likely to give you an error.


New User
hit at the woman's feet only. she'll either miss or pop it up. finish the point by hitting the popped up shot through the man, or clean away from both.

This. I have great success in MD by hitting soft low slices, chips, lobs and lob volleys to the women. Also slow, high bounding serves to the BH. Never hit hard to the ladies. Women hate heavy spin more than pace. I do hit hard at the guy though. I poach often against the lady and guy.