How would you handle this particular shot ...


Probably one of the most difficult shots for me (especially in doubles play) occurs when I'm playing up at the net. One of my opponents will then hit a low, hard screamer directly at me ... what's difficult is that for me the ball often gets "lost" and appears that it's going to hit the top of the net (and not get over). Of course, it often will just skim the top but still make it over the net with good pace ... I get caught unprepared. I'm getting nightmares visualizing the ball screaming directly for my navel. Any suggestions to handle this particular shot would be appreciated ... Thanks in advance for your comments / suggestions!


backhand volley. its easier to BH a body shot than to FH it

Hey Larry thanks for the response ... upon re-reading my OP I can see that I wasn't very clear and didn't really explain my predicament that well ... let me try again ... when I'm volleying, some hard, low shots hit directly at me look like they are going into the net ... on some of these shots, I "lose track" of the ball for a split-second because of the net / net cord ... just enough to throw me off ... I have no problems handling hard shots hit directly at me (only a little higher -- maybe chest level) -- I'll protect myself by using the standard BH volley ... I'd like to know if there is some kind of visual "trick" or "cue" to better pick up and track these low shots that, for me at least, somehow are very difficult for me to visually pick up just before they get over the net ... does anyone "kind of know" what I'm talking about? Thanks ...

Bobby Jr

Racquet out in front, firm wrist... assume every shot is coming over the net when you're at the net and be ready.


Hey Larry thanks for the response ... upon re-reading my OP I can see that I wasn't very clear and didn't really explain my predicament that well ... let me try again ... when I'm volleying, some hard, low shots hit directly at me look like they are going into the net ... on some of these shots, I "lose track" of the ball for a split-second because of the net / net cord ... just enough to throw me off ... I have no problems handling hard shots hit directly at me (only a little higher -- maybe chest level) -- I'll protect myself by using the standard BH volley ... I'd like to know if there is some kind of visual "trick" or "cue" to better pick up and track these low shots that, for me at least, somehow are very difficult for me to visually pick up just before they get over the net ... does anyone "kind of know" what I'm talking about? Thanks ...

Get your eyes down to ball level.


Get your eyes down to ball level.

Yeah, you will no longer have nightmares of ball hitting your navel.. but I'm not sure about nightmares of ball hitting your eyes though. LOL.

To me the first ingredient of good volleying is to love it first. You actually have to enjoy it and look forward to it. Bad volleyers are reluctant and only up at the net because they have to!!! Hence their confusion and unpreparedness.

user -- who hates volleying :)


Bionic Poster
Problem could stem from your practice idea.
When you practice volleys, you need to stand AT THE SERVICE LINE! Any closer doesn't allow you to hit thigh high volleys, and you lose the technique if you don't practice it.
Embrace the idea of hitting low, half, and thigh high volleys, and you will soon look forward to hitting those volleys.

Bobby Jr

Problem could stem from your practice idea.
When you practice volleys, you need to stand AT THE SERVICE LINE! Any closer doesn't allow you to hit thigh high volleys, and you lose the technique if you don't practice it.
Embrace the idea of hitting low, half, and thigh high volleys, and you will soon look forward to hitting those volleys.
Excellent advice. I always practice my volleys from further back than ideal like that to get used to getting down to them and moving forwards. When you stand 2 feet from the net like some people you don't get any practice at what are likely to be the trickier volleys you hit in a match.


I've been forcing myself to play more doubles recently to force myself into feeling comfortable at net. My main fear was the body shot and being hit. After a recent body-shot I was impressed at my reflexes, and since have felt quite comfortable at net.

As for volleying the more time I spend doing it the better I get at it (duh), not only in terms of technique but confidence. I still have a long way to go.

In response to a reply above, I find it infinitely easier to hit a good BH volley than a FH one. I think it's because I tend to turn more on the BH side, following a similar turning motion to my 1HBH. On the forehand side I tend not to turn my body much.


All great comments / suggestions ... thanks for taking the time to respond. A couple of especially helpful comments (in addition to watching the ball) -- (1) being a reluctant net player (sometimes I feel really "on top of it" ... but I can lose my confidence (and courage) quickly -- i.e. getting whacked with the ball; (2) need to practice a little further back -- yeah, sometimes I tend to move too close to the net; (3) yes, I too favor hitting the BH volley -- true, I make a better (and earlier) turn with my BH volley. Thanks, posters ...