hybrid stringing question


New User
I plan on stringing up a few racquets for this weekend's travel team match.

I'll be hybrid stringing for the first time.

I'm using luxilon ALU rough in the mains and prince synthetic gut in the crosses.....

I've been happy with my tension in the mid 50's with full poly......I'm wondering what to do in a hybrid situation.....if I was stringing with full synth gut.....I'd be 58-60......so I'm wondering if I should string the crosses tighter than the mains (ALU)......and if so, by how much.....

any advice / tips that you've run across for hybrid stringing would be appreciated......I've strung many racquets....years ago....and used to do the prince pro-blend thing so I'm pretty experienced but this will be my first poly / syth hybrid.

Thanks in advance.