Wow, quite the love fest going down here...
I think that any curiosities with the hybrids can only be answered through trial and error, sort of like the demo process with racquets.
The different combos of string types and tensions produce a big spectrum of both response and the oh-so-subjective (but vital in my opinion) aspect of feel. Some players enjoy the super-crisp feel of a full bed of snug poly, etc., while others can't get enough of the plushness in a bed of natural gut or multifiber.
I personally tried out a hybrid of a soft, super-cozy multi in my mains coupled with a rather thin, soft poly at rather low tension in the crosses of an old-school heavy, extra flexy frame I've used off and on. I figured that the feel would be dominated by the multi, since the poly was in the crosses and set up borderline loose. As it turned out, the feel was so harsh that I thought my teeth were gonna rattle loose on me. Trial and error.
The popular hybrid of natural gut mains and poly crosses seems to have something going for it, but then again, that's a layout that works for guys like the Fed-man. I'm not them. I think it's important to remember the distinction between the gear that works for the pros and what's generally better for the tennis playing masses.