Hyper G vs. Hyper G Soft


I am considering between regular hyper g and HGS. I like how regular hyper g plays, but it is only a little stiff, but not causing pain. I am leaning towards playing with hyper g soft, but some have said it doesnt have as good spin and power. Those 2 characteristics are very important to me, and I really enjoy how HG plays.
The big thing I’ve heard is soft to some doesn’t have the same spin or power/response. Can someone comment on if those 2 values or the feel is diminished with HGS?


I didn’t notice much difference in spin between the two. However, I do think the soft has a little more pop. The feel is obviously different between the two with the soft being more plush feeling. The soft does lose its tension/playability quicker, and from my experience it was very pronounced when it went dead. When it dies, it turns into a rocket launcher and becomes hard to keep the ball in. I personally do prefer the soft though. Regular Hyper G gives me some arm soreness depending on the racquet. Nothing severe, but enough to feel it for a day or two after, even when it’s fresh.
Echoing what @kblades has mentioned, I found HGS to have much more pop than regular HG. That’s the biggest difference, aside from feel. I also felt HGS had less grip on the ball and/or less snapback — couldn’t be sure which it was. HGS produced a flatter, more through-the-court shot, while HG was more versatile.


Hall of Fame
I didn’t notice much difference in spin between the two. However, I do think the soft has a little more pop. The feel is obviously different between the two with the soft being more plush feeling. The soft does lose its tension/playability quicker, and from my experience it was very pronounced when it went dead. When it dies, it turns into a rocket launcher and becomes hard to keep the ball in. I personally do prefer the soft though. Regular Hyper G gives me some arm soreness depending on the racquet. Nothing severe, but enough to feel it for a day or two after, even when it’s fresh.

Same here. A bit more pop for the soft version, at the expense of reduced tension maintenance. I think I prefer the regular version, and I'd just drop a couple of pounds in tension if I wanted a bit more comfort.


If HG is only "a little stiff", why don't you just drop the tension a couple of pounds?
I’m at a pretty high elevation, anything below 55 pounds gets really launchy. I will eventually go back to my normal elevation maybe, but it’s more so my conditions require I string at 55 at a minimum.


Hall of Fame
Agree on all - HGS has more pop, less bite, shorter life, but more comfort and better touch. If you plan on restringing often, it's a good option. I would also string HGS a couple of pounds tighter than regular HG
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Agree on all - HGS has more pop, less bite, shorter life, but more comfort and better touch. If you plan on restringing often, it's a good option. I would also string HGS a couple of pounds tighter than regular HG
So less spin?


The soft doesn't have the same power, confusing to me that others in this thread are saying otherwise, but I guess I'd just spend the 12 or 13 bucks and see for yourself.


I just strung up one my of racquets for the first time with HGS this morning and am hitting tomorrow. My son uses regular Hyper G and I string and measure his tensions and it drops tension pretty quickly in my opinion so I am a bit worried now about what I am reading here and how my racquet with HGS will perform in the morning. Hopefully it won't lose too much tension between now and when I hit.


I am considering between regular hyper g and HGS. I like how regular hyper g plays, but it is only a little stiff, but not causing pain. I am leaning towards playing with hyper g soft, but some have said it doesnt have as good spin and power. Those 2 characteristics are very important to me, and I really enjoy how HG plays.
The big thing I’ve heard is soft to some doesn’t have the same spin or power/response. Can someone comment on if those 2 values or the feel is diminished with HGS?
I've been diving very deep into comparing HG / HGS the past few months and in my opinion:

HG is for the hard hitters, hitting with heavy top spin most of the time....the typical modern heavy hitting college baseliner. Stiffness is very welcome for these players, cause they tend to break strings very quickly.

HGS fits the all-court type of player, playing with more touch, not afraid of coming to the net and finishing points with finesse. Generally able to hit with good spin, but doesn't focus on hitting heavy top spin groundstrokes 90% of the time (so the slightly reduced spin / control is not that big of an issue). Slices also tend to work better with HGS in my opinion.
These players don't break strings as quickly and like the increased dwell time or extra "mushiness" HGS gives them.
So I'm definitely the HGS type. I'm too sensitive for HG most of the time.

But I appreciate HG in certain situations when I need that maximum spin / control. With regular HG my opponents regularly had these "how did that ball still land in the court and didn't fly long??? This string is unreal when it comes to spin capabilities" moments which are quite rare with HGS.

But HGS is still stiffer than most "comfort polys" so in my opinion it sits between "comfort" and "maximum spin/control/stiffness". It still gives better control and spin than most comfortable polys at the cost of reduced comfort, but isn't quite as controlled or uncomfortable as regular HG. It's the "weakling's Hyper G".


I forgot to answer your question regarding „power“. I think people have different definitions of power.

1. If you can „hit harder“ because the string is stiffer, many players increase their swing speed, resulting in an actual measurable increase of ball speed. But in this case the string isn‘t responsible for the power, you can just hit with more confidence. It‘s the same story with strings like Kirschbaum Max Power. This string is absolutely stiff and not powerful, at all. But you can „hit with maximum power“ —-> if this is your definition of power, HG is more „powerful“.

2. If the string has more of that trampoline-effect and can catapult the ball back like a sling shot. This is generally the case for all softer strings and that‘s also my definition of a „powerful string“. If this is your definition of power, HGS is absolutely more powerful. More access to „trampoline bounce easy power“ than with vanilla HG.

EDIT: I‘ve compared HG and HGS once more today and vanilla HG offers a LOT more spin, definitely.
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fuzz nation

I forgot to answer your question regarding „power“. I think people have different definitions of power.

1. If you can „hit harder“ because the string is stiffer, many players increase their swing speed, resulting in an actual measurable increase of ball speed. But in this case the string isn‘t responsible for the power, you can just hit with more confidence. It‘s the same story with strings like Kirschbaum Max Power. This string is absolutely stiff and not powerful, at all. But you can „hit with maximum power“ —-> if this is your definition of power, HG is more „powerful“.

2. If the string has more of that trampoline-effect and can catapult the ball back like a sling shot. This is generally the case for all softer strings and that‘s also my definition of a „powerful string“. If this is your definition of power, HGS is absolutely more powerful. More access to „trampoline bounce easy power“ than with vanilla HG.

EDIT: I‘ve compared HG and HGS once more today and vanilla HG offers a LOT more spin, definitely.
Well put - definitely agree that "power" can refer to more than one thing as you've pointed out here.


Well my experiment with HGS lasted about 1/2 an hour of hitting and my vote is: (n)

Perhaps it was the tension I selected as I strung it as I do my normal poly which is 53/47 and the control was great but my bionic wrist (3 surgeries, fractures, TFCC repair) barked at me for a week after.

I can see folks would like it as I had great control with it. It may be softer than regular Hyper G but it is not soft that is for sure.