I got info about ferrero's racket



He's using the new Head Flexpoint radical

I don't know the exact headsize but it looks pretty much like 98 sq. inch, like LM radical MP)

It has a 16x19 string pattern.

It contains Liquidmetal (look at the places where the LM radical has those ribs, if you look very carefully at these spots, you can see the ribs, also it says liquidmetal at the frame)

Does anyone have more info on his racket???


Behold, the racket actually has the ribs that belong to the LM parts where most pro's have a paintjob of those ribs on their "liquid metals"......interesting...

Agassi's Flexpoint radical doesn't have those ribs (but we already knew this was a paintjob), so I wonder, is J.C.'s frame really something new?



well, I think agassi is using an older version of the radica, with a flexpoint paintjob. And ferrero's using a new racket model. Somewhere in this forum a staff member of tennis warehouse told that head is going to launch new racket (end of februari/begin of march !?).


There's been several threads on what Agassi has underneath that paint, if it's a Head at all......might still be his old Donnay, I dunno. As for the real FlexPoint: I know Head's releasing a new frame, but the question is: Will the thing that's in the stores be the same thing that's in J.C.'s hands? .......... Who knows? :)



Hall of Fame
I hope that Head will finally really launch a players frame with a 16X19 string pattern like the racquet ferrero handles in the pics... Or perhaps it's just a LM radical MP with a custom 16X19 drilling.
dAgEnIuS said:
doesn't really matter now since he's ranked like 64 in the world...
I hope you still remember this post in several month when JC will get back in the 10th... C'mon there must be hundreds millions of tennis players in the whole world is it so a shame to be 64??????


Hall of Fame
i dont think he will be back up too high, his eye is off the ball, and on maria sharapova. cant really blame him though . .
yep right on the money hummer23.

she is a very frequent visitor to vilena in valencia region of spain for his academy.




He said he was going to a shorter racquet to get more control...I suspect his stick is 27.5 as he used a 28 inch POG 100 before.