On a side note, any Prokofiev fans on here?
Barcelona alone would have been enough for me to appreciate and <3 Freddie Mercury. And it was such a wonderful coincidence that he developed a beautiful friendship and amazing musical connection with my favourite Montserrat Caballe, which in turn helped me appreciate each of them even more. Could never get enough of this "odd couple" really.
Freddy wrote and sang this little heartfelt piece with Monserrat's vocals in mind, amongst those
little things called love and whatsnot - clearly an untrained but no less amazing voice, wasn't it? He could have been an Opera singer had he wanted to. Montserrat would be the first to tell you that.
For this piece alone, I actually think he sang it even better than her, a world-class and one of the greatest sopranos ever no doubt, which is really something.
But of course, sometimes words only clutter the sentiment. Soazzi for the unrelated rant. Hoap some of you enjoyed the music and dancing. There is much more to life than the Fed and tennis (and Serena), no?
Nice weekend everyone.