I highly recommend tennisplayer.net!!!!

I notice alot of posts on here where people are looking for film clips of certain strokes, as well as stroke advice. I just joined tennisplayer.net and the site is just packed with film clips and instruction. And the site creator John Yandell (and others) are very involved with answering specific questions you might have. I highly recommend it.

Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
I have also posted some replies there. It is a great site. However, some video clips are slow to load and (Paradorn Srichaphan forehand center) did not clear up fast enough, (a black thin film was not clearing up). It is possible that my system is weak, but still it is worth looking.
Do you happen to know Yusef Khan? He owned a tennis club here in Seattle and his two sons were squash players, one professional. He was from Pakistan.


I would wait till the site gets more material on it. Right now, the lesson information and prostokes videos are of high quality, but since it's a new site, there's just not that much information on it. Definitely not worth 100 dollars yet.


Hall of Fame
Hey Bobby,
I can understand why you'd think that a "new" site wouldn't necessarily have much material. But actually we've spent 2 years putting this together.

Would you be surprised if I told you there were 10,000 stroke clips of about 40 players. 400 of Federer alone?

There are also over 100 full length heavily illustrated articles--our coaches have worked with players who have won over 15 Grand Slams: Lansdorp, Bollettieri, Macci, Loehr and a lot more...

Plus there is a whole lotta other stuff. Let the interactive Forum. Don't take my word for it--go check around--you can see the lists of what's there in every section of the site and sample a little bit of everything too..
John Yandell


New User

10,000 stroke clips? Really? Where are they? Yeah, I'd like to see put up 400 videos of Federer...for starters.

Quit trying to mislead people Yandell.


New User
Thereallovebone said:
I notice alot of posts on here where people are looking for film clips of certain strokes, as well as stroke advice. I just joined tennisplayer.net and the site is just packed with film clips and instruction. And the site creator John Yandell (and others) are very involved with answering specific questions you might have. I highly recommend it.

"Packed". What is "Packed". All I want to know is one are there really 400 videos of Federer? Is so I'm in.


Hall of Fame
ABC said:
400 videos of Federer...for starters.

They're there. tennisplayer.net happens to be EXCELLENT in quality and quantity and superior to the other two tennis instructional sites I'm a member of. Have you taken a membership? Or, for some reason, are you merely hoping it isn't as good as paid members say it is? Interesting that your second post finds this thread. Your post was interesting. Like one a worried competitor might write.

ABC you either haven't visited the site or you have another agenda.

I laid out my hard earned green to join and find it to be well worth the annual cost. The site is great for every level of play. Elements of tennis discussed here, which are sometimes difficult to visualize despite some excellent descriptions provided by people like Bungalo Bill, Mahboob Khan and others, are viewable at tennisplayer.net. Then those concepts are broken down by Yandell, and other nationally known coaches like Landsdorp, Bollitieri, etc. I'm a visual learner. So to me, a picture is worth a thousand words but a video is worth many times that in further understanding the sport. Its a tremendous learning and teaching tool, at my fingertips 24/7, rain or shine. What Yandell says is there, is there, in an easy to use format. It's awesome as is, but John Yandell has vowed to expand and enhance it. This one is the goods.


New User

Competitor? Who me? No, all I want to know is

1.How many Federer shot total?
2.Are they ALL the same quality as the sample?
3.Can I download them?

If the answeres are 400, yes, yes then it's already a better site then the other...to me.

I know what Yandell's about and I could give a crap about Nick.


Hall of Fame

I have the site up now, for Federer, under the forehand heading, there are clips of him hitting forehands from 9 areas of the court. One is "fh center" has 38 clips alone. That's just 1 of 9 areas of the court on the Forehand. There's a ton of Federer if there are 399 don't shoot me. They've got headings for returns of serve one for each wing. IMO the quality is better than the other big site. The clips have multiple views shot from different angles but in a bigger window display. They're there.

The download thing you'll have to ask someone else here or do a search, I know its talked about but not to what end. I'm not a tech guy and don't know what you're looking to do. I have not personally tried to download clips.

If your making comparisons to the other big site. Tennisplayer beats it hands down.


New User
Sorry to bug you again, but i'm really interested in signing up and I'm trying to get some responses, but your the only one.

Ok so John got lots of federer. Now how would you say the quality compares to the federer sample. Are they all like the sample, are some, are most.....If you could help me out that would be awsome.


ABC, I'm a member at tennisplayer.net

I don't care to count but 400 clips of Federer sounds about right. The clips are of the quality you would expect. Fast enough to download and view quickly, yet still clear.


New User
alan-n said:
ABC, I'm a member at tennisplayer.net

I don't care to count but 400 clips of Federer sounds about right. The clips are of the quality you would expect. Fast enough to download and view quickly, yet still clear.

How do you know what I would expect? If the quality is only a little bit better than tennisone then I don't care. But if the videos look like the sampls than i'll probably sign up.


ABC said:
Sorry for the annoying tone alan.

Not a problem, yes it is the sample size... I never bothered to view the sample till today. I can't compare to tennisone as I haven't viewed theirs.


Hall of Fame

Some are from further and others from a closer perspective so Federer can appear smaller in the same size frame. But frame size and quality are the same.


New User
thanks guys. Jesus, wow, I honestly couldn't believe someone would spend that much time editing 10,000 videos for such a small sport that very few people care about in this country. 2 years.....for this...geeez. Now that's dedication. He deserves to charge a hundred bucks.

Go get em Yandell.


Talk Tennis Guru
ABC said:
How do you know what I would expect? If the quality is only a little bit better than tennisone then I don't care. But if the videos look like the sampls than i'll probably sign up.

I'd suggest you buy just a month subscription and draw your own conclusions.


This thread is really starting to look like an infomercial.

(But does the Ginsu knife cut tomatoes? Why yes it does, just look at all these serated edges. They're 400 of them and they're made of liquid metal. But can it cut 400 tomatos? I'd like to see that....)

I'm sure its a great site if you've got the dough.

And how many clips of Fed does one need, anyway?

Power Game

Can you tell me if you have clips of Safin (all strokes), Joachim Johannson (forehand and serve), and Moya (forehand). If you'd rather, please email me...
sallay at gmail dot com

Bungalo Bill

ABC said:
Sorry to bug you again, but i'm really interested in signing up and I'm trying to get some responses, but your the only one.

Ok so John got lots of federer. Now how would you say the quality compares to the federer sample. Are they all like the sample, are some, are most.....If you could help me out that would be awsome.


The quality is going to be the same as the sample and will always be getting even better as technology improves. Just from speaking with John, he has no intention of producing sub-standard clips when the technology available (cameras, rendering codes, etc..) dictate otherwise. John is committed to bringing us state-of-the-art slow motion clips to study and use for our own game improvement.

The clip quality is excellent is what you see. Tennisplayer.net is an excellent resource for coaches and players.
Morpheus said:
This thread is really starting to look like an infomercial.

(But does the Ginsu knife cut tomatoes? Why yes it does, just look at all these serated edges. They're 400 of them and they're made of liquid metal. But can it cut 400 tomatos? I'd like to see that....)

I'm sure its a great site if you've got the dough.

And how many clips of Fed does one need, anyway?

I doubt you'd give ABC the starring role in an infomercial for tennisplayer.net.


Hall of Fame
Yeah what was I thinking wasting my time with all that work anyway?

Power Game:
Regarding the other players asked about above: Moya is there. We have filmed Safin and Johannson once--but need another pass--could happen in Montreal and if we get enough footage they'd be at the top of the list for fall.

And yes we are giving away the ginzus knives right now--plus the pocket fisherman. I guess I feel a little defensive to be honest--I consider this an influential board and it makes me nervous when I see things that are inaccurate during the time we're launching the site...


New User
Thereallovebone said:
Hey ABC In the time you've spent coming up with insulting posts you could have earned 20 bucks and tried tennisplayer.net for a month.

Said the loser who spends his life jerking around on message boards.

Listen all, I don't want to talk to you losers, I have life ok, I'm hear for one reason to find if tennisplayer is what it claims to be.

I'd like to trust this Yandell guy, but I get a little nervous when I hear him insult another site that I won't mention:) saying things like "Poor quality" and how he doesn't want to be associated with this (tennisone) other site.

Tell me John was your heart and soul into tennisone? Was it not YOU who was responsible for getting that site going. I think it was. I was a member in those days. And wasn't it YOU who also filmed that "Poor Quality" stuff.

And i'm sure you said the same things back then when you were running tennisone. So then why should we belive you now.

But who cares about the above. I'll join for a month and find out if the videos indeed do look like the samples or if mixing in old footage also. D

ps don't ban when I join. I just speaking my mind. You do want honest feedback right? ;)
ABC said:
Said the loser who spends his life jerking around on message boards.

Listen all, I don't want to talk to you losers, I have life ok, I'm hear for one reason to find if tennisplayer is what it claims to be.

I'd like to trust this Yandell guy, but I get a little nervous when I hear him insult another site that I won't mention:) saying things like "Poor quality" and how he doesn't want to be associated with this (tennisone) other site.

Tell me John was your heart and soul into tennisone? Was it not YOU who was responsible for getting that site going. I think it was. I was a member in those days. And wasn't it YOU who also filmed that "Poor Quality" stuff.

And i'm sure you said the same things back then when you were running tennisone. So then why should we belive you now.

But who cares about the above. I'll join for a month and find out if the videos indeed do look like the samples or if mixing in old footage also. D

ps don't ban when I join. I just speaking my mind. You do want honest feedback right? ;)

Says the little a-hole who has nothing better to do than whine like a little *****. Sounds like a great life to me.


Hall of Fame
OK here is absolutely my last post on this one...

You are completely right about my heart and soul being in TennisONE at the time. And that I did get it off the ground--at least so far as the developing of the content goes . AND that up until about two years ago, I filmed literally every clip that went up myself.

So again, there is a little issue of fact...I tried to find the old post, but what I believe I said what that the filming since the time I left was what was much lower quality and that it was also not really comprehensive it terms of showing the full range of what the players did, because they cut down drastically on the number of clips--all of which I believe is true. If I said something different well...I should have made that clearer.

And I also pointed out that the technology used to develop the stuff when I was there (which they continue to use in large part) is now pretty much obsolete (I know because Aaron Martinez developed it for me then and also the new stuff for Tennisplayer...)

Regarding the articles: The coaches that I brought to TennisONE coached about 15 Grand Slam champions. They all left with me and so did their work.
So yeah I do feel with some exceptions (Jimmy Mac, Dave Smith, Heath--even though I think he's way off on Roddick's serve..) the quality of the articles has plummetted too.

So yeah I think my work is now at a higher standard than it was--and I don't want people thinking I endorse what's going on there. And there are moral and ethical reasons why I don't want my name associated with the people there as well.

Does that about cover it? Please god yes.


ABC appears to have an axe to grind. Yandell, sounds like you've got a great concept and you'll do really well.

Hey, ABC, I don't see anything honest about your posts. You have an agenda and nothing you've said gives any constructive feedback to Mr. Yandell about his current business. Just a bunch of old baggage, apparently.


New User
JohnYandell said:
OK here is absolutely my last post on this one...

You are completely right about my heart and soul being in TennisONE at the time. And that I did get it off the ground--at least so far as the developing of the content goes . AND that up until about two years ago, I filmed literally every clip that went up myself.

So again, there is a little issue of fact...I tried to find the old post, but what I believe I said what that the filming since the time I left was what was much lower quality and that it was also not really comprehensive it terms of showing the full range of what the players did, because they cut down drastically on the number of clips--all of which I believe is true. If I said something different well...I should have made that clearer.

And I also pointed out that the technology used to develop the stuff when I was there (which they continue to use in large part) is now pretty much obsolete (I know because Aaron Martinez developed it for me then and also the new stuff for Tennisplayer...)

Regarding the articles: The coaches that I brought to TennisONE coached about 15 Grand Slam champions. They all left with me and so did their work.
So yeah I do feel with some exceptions (Jimmy Mac, Dave Smith, Heath--even though I think he's way off on Roddick's serve..) the quality of the articles has plummetted too.

So yeah I think my work is now at a higher standard than it was--and I don't want people thinking I endorse what's going on there. And there are moral and ethical reasons why I don't want my name associated with the people there as well.

Does that about cover it? Please god yes.

That's a much better tone John.

You know, It just sounds a little shady to me when I hear a guy selling me something ripping on the competion when the competion not too long ago was something he refers to as his "heart and soul".

You had the tone of a sleazy politician knocking your oppnent for having "poor quality" videos and "fluff at best". It's just funny becuase you were the guy filming it and responisible for editing them and your saying that. What you should have said was the stuff YOU did in the past was of a lesser (lesser sounds nice) quality. And then you can continue from there to talk about what your doing with your NEW site and how it's of a higher standard now insulting the competion. You don't to do that John.

Wow? Aaron builds cameras and software too? Now that's impressive. You can save the big talk John :) (that bugs me too btw) Anyone with some money can buy a decent miniDV camcorder for like $800. And if you want a really nice one try Sony DCR-VX2000, DCR-VX2001 iv'e seen deals on those online for as low as $ 1,999 or a Canon GL2. I was cosidering purchasing one. And if your a real dork, you can get some in the $10,000 to $15,000 range. And the software for editing, any dummy can go Fry's and get everything your using John...:rolleyes:

This isn't cutting edge stuff guys. With a little money and a credential anyone can do this. Except for maybe the USOpen getting credentials should be pretty easy these days in the US I would imagine.

God I think we might be done.


ABC, you have 22 posts as of today, and 20 of them are solely focused on bashing Yandell's new company. If you were hoping to damage the launch, you've failed, because your mean spirited tactics have only served to elevate Tennisplayer.net as a credible and worthy site.

I wasn't going to sign up, but now that I've checked out the site, I've decided to give it a try for a few months. I am really impressed by the concept and the quality.


Hall of Fame
Wow...I can only say this has really gone to the laughable level now--I'd schedule an appointment as soon as possible with your mental health professional and ask to have your medication adjusted...good luck and feel better soon.

Bungalo Bill

ABC said:
That's a much better tone John.

You know, It just sounds a little shady to me when I hear a guy selling me something ripping on the competion when the competion not too long ago was something he refers to as his "heart and soul".

You had the tone of a sleazy politician knocking your oppnent for having "poor quality" videos and "fluff at best". It's just funny becuase you were the guy filming it and responisible for editing them and your saying that. What you should have said was the stuff YOU did in the past was of a lesser (lesser sounds nice) quality. And then you can continue from there to talk about what your doing with your NEW site and how it's of a higher standard now insulting the competion. You don't to do that John.

Wow? Aaron builds cameras and software too? Now that's impressive. You can save the big talk John :) (that bugs me too btw) Anyone with some money can buy a decent miniDV camcorder for like $800. And if you want a really nice one try Sony DCR-VX2000, DCR-VX2001 iv'e seen deals on those online for as low as $ 1,999 or a Canon GL2. I was cosidering purchasing one. And if your a real dork, you can get some in the $10,000 to $15,000 range. And the software for editing, any dummy can go Fry's and get everything your using John...:rolleyes:

This isn't cutting edge stuff guys. With a little money and a credential anyone can do this. Except for maybe the USOpen getting credentials should be pretty easy these days in the US I would imagine.

God I think we might be done.

Sounds like someone needs a timeout.

Bungalo Bill

JohnYandell said:
Wow...I can only say this has really gone to the laughable level now--I'd schedule an appointment as soon as possible with your mental health professional and ask to have your medication adjusted...good luck and feel better soon.

This is halarious John. For someone (ABC) that is so in the know about filming, you would think the guy would get off his duff and produce something. The only thing I see him doing is showing us how stupid he is.

Sometime in his childhood he got burned by you John. You must have bullied him and took his sucker. Give the sucker back to him John - you big bully. It is embarassing to see ABC cry. LOL

Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
Looks like ABC has a hidden agenda. Probably he is not aware of John Yandell's previous work. We all have learned from John and this process continues.

The TW staff must show him an EXIT door! Sooner the better!

Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
This ABC guy is a disgrace to this place! The point is if he wants to learn there is more than enough material that he can learn from. Obviously, he has an hidden agenda. He is Mr. Nobody and yet his tone is quite insulting to John Yandell.

You do not need 1000 video clips of Federer to learn from! Maybe few on forehand, few on backhand, few on serve, and few on volleys/smashes is all that you need. For example, I want to see return of serve forehand, chip and charge forehand, rip and charge forehand, normal rally forehand, cross court forehand, down the line forehand, topspin forehand, flat forehand, forehand on short balls, forehands from mid court, insideout/inside in forehands, running fh, defensive forehand, aggressive forehand, winner forehand, etc.

Mr. ABC go to a mental hospital .. fast!