That's a much better tone John.
You know, It just sounds a little shady to me when I hear a guy selling me something ripping on the competion when the competion not too long ago was something he refers to as his "heart and soul".
You had the tone of a sleazy politician knocking your oppnent for having "poor quality" videos and "fluff at best". It's just funny becuase you were the guy filming it and responisible for editing them and your saying that. What you should have said was the stuff YOU did in the past was of a lesser (lesser sounds nice) quality. And then you can continue from there to talk about what your doing with your NEW site and how it's of a higher standard now insulting the competion. You don't to do that John.
Wow? Aaron builds cameras and software too? Now that's impressive. You can save the big talk John

(that bugs me too btw) Anyone with some money can buy a decent miniDV camcorder for like $800. And if you want a really nice one try Sony DCR-VX2000, DCR-VX2001 iv'e seen deals on those online for as low as $ 1,999 or a Canon GL2. I was cosidering purchasing one. And if your a real dork, you can get some in the $10,000 to $15,000 range. And the software for editing, any dummy can go Fry's and get everything your using John...
This isn't cutting edge stuff guys. With a little money and a credential anyone can do this. Except for maybe the USOpen getting credentials should be pretty easy these days in the US I would imagine.
God I think we might be done.