I just JailBroke my iPhone


I feel like I got a new phone :shock: :shock:

The best features for me are:

1) WiFi simulator, it tricks Fring to think it's on WiFi, so now I can use VoIP whenever I want, great quality too. (apple don't allow VoIP on 3G).

2) Video camera for free, there's an app in the apps store that does that for $19.95, I read the quality of the free one is better (I can't compare, but I like the quality I get).

3) Backgrounder - allow to run an any app in the background (only 1 at a time), so I can use Pandora radio and still use the phone....

I'm still exploring it, there's another app that lets you create folders, very useful...

It was very easy jailbreaking, and I can always restore to a pre-jailbreak if I need to replace the phone.


Where is this 20 dollar video app in the App Store? What's it called?

Oops, I think it's not there yet, I read it somewhere when I got the jailbroken version, didn't bother checking for myself....

An even better reason to jailbreak.

I just found out that the other video app for 19.95 (iPhone Video Recorder) was also for a jailbroken phone, it seems that apple don't want it in the app store.

I think the "Black Market" for apps is going to get bigger and bigger, I just read that a version of Opera for the iPhone was rejected from the app store..
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No, Apple is able to see who jailbreaks their phone and who doesn't. I don't know how it works but it does. Why do you think there are a lot of people upset that they can't get a replacement if their jailbroken Iphone has defects/problems?


No, Apple is able to see who jailbreaks their phone and who doesn't. I don't know how it works but it does. Why do you think there are a lot of people upset that they can't get a replacement if their jailbroken Iphone has defects/problems?

I haven't heard of any upset people, even a google search doesn't yield any stories.

Do you know anyone who had a problem replacing a jailbroken phone?


I haven't heard of any upset people, even a google search doesn't yield any stories.

Do you know anyone who had a problem replacing a jailbroken phone?

My brother and a friend both said you can just restore it if it's jailbroken.

"wat if its ****ed and u cant restore it?"
reply: then u might be screwed, but i cant imagine that situation

"and they cant trace u ever jailbreaking it?"
reply: nope


"wat if its ****ed and u cant restore it?"
reply: then u might be screwed, but i cant imagine that situation

There is always a way to restore it, you might need to reboot it in "safe mode", but unless the battery dies, I haven't heard of anyone who was not able to restore.

It's truly a great thing (jailbreaking), using Fring to make skype call over 3g is worth jailbreaking your phone even if it DOES void the warranty, especially if you call internationally.

Even a jailbroken flashlight is much better, the light is more than twice as strong.

There's also an MMS program there, although it doesn't work with AT&T (you need mms on your plan, and AT&T doesn't allow it on the iPhone plan).


I have heard of people jailbreaking their phones and doing things like overclocking the processor and other similar things that ended up to be permanent. And once they sent it to Apple or went to the Genius Bar, they ran diagnostic tests and figured it out. Most of the time a simple restore will not void your warranty but there have been cases where the restore did not restore the iphone back to manufactured settings.