1. I need help developing better spin serves, particularly my slice serve at the moment, it lacks the slice effect and pace in comparison to my kick which is pretty decent but needs depth.
2.On groundstrokes I find my forehand and backhand ending up short sometimes and I really need to hit'em deep and with lots of topspin. On my forehand I can get decent topspin but on my backhand, nada. I'm a one hander with an eastern backhand. Maybe its the motion of my backhand?
Thanks in adv for the advice.
2.On groundstrokes I find my forehand and backhand ending up short sometimes and I really need to hit'em deep and with lots of topspin. On my forehand I can get decent topspin but on my backhand, nada. I'm a one hander with an eastern backhand. Maybe its the motion of my backhand?
Thanks in adv for the advice.