I think I have made my decision about college....


I'll never be a small fish Phil, and even if I am, I always make a big splash. Hehe, I'm so freakin poetic.

Datacipher, now how do you know what I've accomplished? I haven't exactly typed up a resume and if I did, you'd probably be surprised. Fortunately for you all I'm not going to. But ya know what, I admire the fact that you used unpalatable in a sentence correctly. I love that word. It was on the SATs this past Saturday.

Exile, I loved the Great Gatsby. In fact, for my final project in my English class, I did a video project re-enacting it. It's got a modern twist, and is very comical. It opens similarly to Days of Our Lives - only when I edited it, I showed the title as "Days of Our Gatsby". The intro with the clouds and everything took forever but it was well worth it. It was actually one of my better strokes of genius - personally I think I need an oscar for starring in and directing the film. Haha kidding. Maybe someday I'll find an independent film festival to enter it in. Good times :)

**"Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our Gatsby"**

Kaptain Karl

Hall Of Fame
Phil said:
Afghanistan, life there for the locals is as bad as it ever was (only, without the Taliban) ...
Phil, my friend, this claim is its own oxymoron.

1950s and '60s Alabama and Mississippi must be just as they ever were for Blacks (minus the Klan)...?

Life in Love Canal is just as it ever was (minus the chemical polutants) ...?

9/11 was just another day (minus the terrorists) ...?

- KK


Phil said:
Well, that our president is "good" is highly arguable, and that things are changing in Afghanistan, if they are, is ONLY due to the fact that he failed to adequately protect our home borders, even with many, many indications that something was going to happen.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

Hold on.

First off, 9/11 never should have happened.
The entire situation on the plane was so farfetched and stupid that it never should have taken place.

Second, he didn't fail fo protect home borders.
who was going to predict a couple of planes were going to get hijacked and plowed in to a couple of buildings.
Regardless of warnings, who the hell is going to tighten up security at the airports because of a few box cutter toting muslims are going to attempt to hijack a plane and demolish the twin towers.



I just believe in the conspiracies, those are fun.

Jfk and the magic bullet, that was fun too.


Hall of Fame
I'll never be a small fish Phil, and even if I am, I always make a big splash. Hehe, I'm so freakin poetic.

Datacipher, now how do you know what I've accomplished? I haven't exactly typed up a resume and if I did, you'd probably be surprised. Fortunately for you all I'm not going to. But ya know what, I admire the fact that you used unpalatable in a sentence correctly. I love that word. It was on the SATs this past Saturday.

Exile, I loved the Great Gatsby. In fact, for my final project in my English class, I did a video project re-enacting it. It's got a modern twist, and is very comical. It opens similarly to Days of Our Lives - only when I edited it, I showed the title as "Days of Our Gatsby". The intro with the clouds and everything took forever but it was well worth it. It was actually one of my better strokes of genius - personally I think I need an oscar for starring in and directing the film. Haha kidding. Maybe someday I'll find an independent film festival to enter it in. Good times :)

**"Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our Gatsby"**
You are starting to sound like that valedictorian I was talking about.


I don't CHEAT my way through anything kobble, I never have and I never will. Explain to me this, what part of that made you think I'm a cheater?


Hall of Fame
Kaptain Karl said:
Phil, my friend, this claim is its own oxymoron.

1950s and '60s Alabama and Mississippi must be just as they ever were for Blacks (minus the Klan)...?

Life in Love Canal is just as it ever was (minus the chemical polutants) ...?

9/11 was just another day (minus the terrorists) ...?

- KK

Karl - You're forgetting that this is Afghanistan. You're letting your large ideological blinders get in the way of the facts, "my friend". Afghanistan was a mess before, and after the Taliben came into power, which, all told, was only around 6 years in and out. Life for the average Afghani has not improved. 1950's Mississippi and 2000's Afghanistan are apples and oranges. No comparison.


Hall of Fame
MegacedU said:
I'll never be a small fish Phil, and even if I am, I always make a big splash. Hehe, I'm so freakin poetic.

Datacipher, now how do you know what I've accomplished? I haven't exactly typed up a resume and if I did, you'd probably be surprised. Fortunately for you all I'm not going to. But ya know what, I admire the fact that you used unpalatable in a sentence correctly. I love that word. It was on the SATs this past Saturday.

Exile, I loved the Great Gatsby. In fact, for my final project in my English class, I did a video project re-enacting it. It's got a modern twist, and is very comical. It opens similarly to Days of Our Lives - only when I edited it, I showed the title as "Days of Our Gatsby". The intro with the clouds and everything took forever but it was well worth it. It was actually one of my better strokes of genius - personally I think I need an oscar for starring in and directing the film. Haha kidding. Maybe someday I'll find an independent film festival to enter it in. Good times :)

**"Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our Gatsby"**

"...the days of our Gatsby" Oh my goodness, "...brillantly hillarious...", say the reviewers...Meg, what's funny to a teenager may in fact, sound pretty stupid to an adult, but that's okay-as long as you have fun and learn something in the process. But if this is your "genius", then yes, you WILL be a small fish in a large pond. I'm sure your creative instincts will sharpen as the years go by.

The Great Gatsby is a great book, and I suppose Fitzgerald, the Hollywood wannabe hack, might see some irony in this little project of yours...


The project involved a lot of themes present in the novel and a lot of symbolism as well. It was not just a mindless attempt at making people laugh, it was a nice interpretation of a classic work.

Kaptain Karl

Hall Of Fame
Phil said:
Karl - ... Afghanistan was a mess before, and after the Taliben came into power, which, all told, was only around 6 years in and out. Life for the average Afghani has not improved. 1950's Mississippi and 2000's Afghanistan are apples and oranges. No comparison.
Phil - You are flat wrong on this one. Or did you happen to miss the what happened in October 2004?

FACT: For the first time in 5,000 years of Afghanistan's history, the people elected their own leaders.

FACT: For the first time ever, Afghani women voted.

FACT: Voter turnout was STAGGERING.

HUGE improvement! The Afghani's actually have self-rule ... and more importantly, hope.

- KK


Hall of Fame
Hope is fine, Karl, but a puppet election does not make for food on the table. Women have some rights now-that is good, but it doesn't put food on the table.

Fact: Afghanistan, on a per capita, or any other basis, is the poorest nation on earth.

Fact: Afghanistan's major exported commodity are the poppy seeds that form the foundation for heroin.

Fact: Outside of the major cities, the provinces are run by heavily-armed gangs led by the same warlords who presided before the Taliben came in and imposed order (albeit, a very twisted form of order).

Fact: Some of those warlords are anti-US, and some in W. Afghanistan are allied with the Iranian ayatollahs.

Fact: The country is not really "better"; again, that women are treated as somewhat human is great, but it doesn't outweigh the rest of the problems that cannot be fixed by 7,000 soldiers who only patrol small slivers of territory and have no control over the majority of the country.

Fact: I can go on. You really want to say I'm wrong on this? 'cause I'm not. You are not wrong on your points-just misinformed or, at least, only partly informed. That's not surprising if your only source of information is the mainstream media. They don't report much of real substance.


Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by MegacedU:I don't CHEAT my way through anything kobble, I never have and I never will. Explain to me this, what part of that made you think I'm a cheater?
I would never call someone a cheater when I cannot verify it personally. What I was referring to was the content and tone of the post. You don't seem to talk about any topic or achievement that is not linked to your name. It comes off like that girl I was talking about.


What are you trying to say Kobble, you're kind of talking in circles. I don't talk about any topic that's not linked to me name? That makes absolutely no sense.


Kobble said:
I would never call someone a cheater when I cannot verify it personally. What I was referring to was the content and tone of the post. You don't seem to talk about any topic or achievement that is not linked to your name. It comes off like that girl I was talking about.
how can you read the tone of a post. the tone is up to you not whose talkign then


G - I was thinking the same thing. haha. There is tone in writing though, but it's usually in LITERATURE, not posts on the internet. Taken the sats?


Hall of Fame
Yeah but it looks really good to be able to put top 5% of class on a college app. I will be anyway - but it'd be nice to say that I was all along.


You can't fake it on the high honor roll, which is where I sit.
Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot.

KK - They spend so much time dealing with little brats that they have no good advice left for those of us who actually HAVE a good looking future.
I agree, not enough time is spent talking about you.

Contrary to, as it seems, popular belief, I'm the most secure and self assured person you'll ever meet.
Now, that helps drive the concept home. Plus, you picked up where those lazy guidence counselors left off.
I'll never be a small fish Phil, and even if I am, I always make a big splash. Hehe, I'm so freakin poetic.

Datacipher, now how do you know what I've accomplished? I haven't exactly typed up a resume and if I did, you'd probably be surprised. Fortunately for you all I'm not going to. But ya know what, I admire the fact that you used unpalatable in a sentence correctly. I love that word. It was on the SATs this past Saturday.

Exile, I loved the Great Gatsby. In fact, for my final project in my English class, I did a video project re-enacting it. It's got a modern twist, and is very comical. It opens similarly to Days of Our Lives - only when I edited it, I showed the title as "Days of Our Gatsby". The intro with the clouds and everything took forever but it was well worth it. It was actually one of my better strokes of genius - personally I think I need an oscar for starring in and directing the film. Haha kidding. Maybe someday I'll find an independent festival to enter it in. Good times

**"Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our Gatsby"**

Are you related to Don King?


MegacedU said:
G - I was thinking the same thing. haha. There is tone in writing though, but it's usually in LITERATURE, not posts on the internet. Taken the sats?
next week, you?
MegacedU said:
G - I was thinking the same thing. haha. There is tone in writing though, but it's usually in LITERATURE, not posts on the internet. Taken the sats?

Wow Meg! You are so totally right. Yer like super super super smart and u probalby hot 2! Like how can Kobble be so like weird eh? That's whack! Tone in an internet post dude? Tone is in music! How can an internet post be music? Unless it's some kinda mp3 or somethign but I don't think TW is down with that! You so right, you ownz this talk! Kobble be some kind of circle talker! Like he probably be sittin there at his computer eatin Pi or something!


G - I took the SATs last saturday. Lots of author's tone questions.
Kobble - Just stop now because you're yet to make a valid point.
Data - WOW Meg's always right. Get used to it sooner rather than later.


Datacipher said:
Tone in an internet post dude? Tone is in music! How can an internet post be music?

If you don't know how tone is found in written language, then you don't know how to analyze written works. That in itself is below freshman english.


Exile said:
If you don't know how tone is found in written language, then you don't know how to analyze written works. That in itself is below freshman english.

I think he was being sarcastic and a pathetic attempt to mock me. He failed. High five exile.
Exile said:
If you don't know how tone is found in written language, then you don't know how to analyze written works. That in itself is below freshman english.

True Exile.

MegacedU said:
I think he was being sarcastic and a pathetic attempt to mock me. He failed. High five exile.

BUT.....Meg....I was taking a saracastic tone? How can that be because:

MegacedU said:
G - I was thinking the same thing. haha. There is tone in writing though, but it's usually in LITERATURE, not posts on the internet.

Well you're learning something now Meg. First, internet posts most certainly have tone, especially and undeniably so in a forum like this where individuals are discussing and expressing opinions. Second, tone does not have to be in writing, tone is of course crucial to effective elocution. Further, not all literature has tone or at least tone which has interpretive value, for example medical literature may have the tone of medical literature, but that is of relatively little consequence.


Datacipher said:
Further, not all literature has tone or at least tone which has interpretive value, for example medical literature may have the tone of medical literature, but that is of relatively little consequence.

That was a bad run-on.

"Further, not all literature has tone, or at least tone which has interpretive value. For example, medical literature may have the tone of medical literature, but that is of relatively little consequence."

This looks a little better.
It was a well built statement, just needed better construction.

Sorry, I mean no disrespect.
Exile said:
That was a bad run-on.

"Further, not all literature has tone, or at least tone which has interpretive value. For example, medical literature may have the tone of medical literature, but that is of relatively little consequence."

This looks a little better.
It was a well built statement, just needed better construction.

Sorry, I mean no disrespect.

You don't? Somehow I doubt you regularly nitpick at grammar in forum posts. You yourself make frequent errors. I am well aware of numerous errors that I make. However, I rarely if ever go back and edit them as I simply place no little importance on it if the idea is clear. In this case it was clear as you pointed out.

I think it's a bit sad that you resorted to this, but I am amused that was the best comeback you could muster.

Nevertheless, I thank you for the correction though I see little point in it. You'll find I make a lot of mistakes like this as I am composing while I type and as such, will often pause for second to think, thow in, a comma, then continue on, certainly I am aware at such times that this is not ideal grammar, however, should the result be readable, I won't, bother, to go change, it. I realize that my posts may seem so good that one has trouble believing they are done with such spontaneity but it's simply the result of incredibly disciplined thinking!

I suggest you spend more time thinking about your own posts. I'd wager that most of my writing online is better expressed than the majority of posters. For example, this grammatical and disjointed mess:
Exile said:
Yeah, but look at the time it has happened.
Those people have had a life lead them already.
That's more of a coming of age thing.
Of course you have those people that live in single parent households who have to take care of 3 younger brothers, they are robbed of a childhood and have to live with it.
Then you have people who really don't need much to live, just simple things.

It reminds me of The Great Gatsby
on the first page, Nick quotes his father:

"Whenever you feel like criticizing someone, remember that they haven't had the same advantages as you've had."

But to alot of teens, that is their life, get pressured about their school and try to blow off some steam by having a little fun.
When something can't get done at school through someone elses fault, that just adds to the pressure of the next day's "I have to remember to go back and do this AGAIN"
along with the rest of that day's tasks.

It's alot on a teen these days in high school, so much competition, so little money.
So much to do, so little time.


Hall of Fame
Kobble - Just stop now because you're yet to make a valid point.
Data - WOW Meg's always right. Get used to it sooner rather than later
Wow, it didn't take you long to validate the point, AGAIN. However, I think you are well aware of the rotten stench that is your personality-you just choose to hold your nose.


Are you kidding? You can't truly understand someone's personality over the internet. That's absolutely ridiculous. I'm kind of embarassed FOR you, just for saying that. Validate what point? You have yet to actually MAKE a point.


To:Data-Actually I just felt like screwing with you there, I don't know why but when I get lonely and sad (bad personal life problems right now) I tend to become a little more, how do you say.....bitter?


I said sorry because I knew I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for the current situation!
Exile said:
To:Data-Actually I just felt like screwing with you there, I don't know why but when I get lonely and sad (bad personal life problems right now) I tend to become a little more, how do you say.....bitter?


I said sorry because I knew I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for the current situation!

Then I sincerly hope things get better for you. It could be worse, you still have tennis!


That is nice and all, but I just can't see myself having any fun right now.

Betrayal, paranoia, depression = Trifecta from hell that currently plague me.

Meg, I'd really like to talk to you about this, because well, I just feel you can help somehow.