^^^^ If they make it one singles I will quit USTA
^^^Is that really true? Can't believe they would only make 1 singles match line. I hope they don't cause i'll just stick w. Kswiss sgls instead.
One of the day leagues is four courts -- three doubles and one singles. Doesn't make much sense to me, as you wind up with 2-2 ties.
Also, if your USTA membership is current go into Tennislink and update your email address so you can get these surveys. That way you'll have a voice in these changes. USTA will often ask for your opinion on stuff like this and they do listen but if no one's talking then 1 line of singles is what we'll all get.
I feel like the singles players get the short end of the stick in USTA league play. In a typical match, there are 6 doubles players & only 2 singles players. I know on our team, this leads to a lot of guys wanting to play singles, but having to play doubles. It also creates headaches for the captains. Why is it that doubles play dominates USTA?
Don't get me wrong. . . I like doubles. It's just that the 3:1 ratio of doubles players to singles players on a team seems out of whack.
I believe 2-2 ties are normally resolved with the same tie-breaks used to separate teams in a division:No tie breaks on overall number of games won - or a single point tie break on the last court to finish?
Note that email says "beginning May/June 2010". It didn't happen. More time is being allowed for feedback. It does seem that the women in Atlanta generally approve of playing fewer singles lines. The men want to stay with 2.Following is the exact email I received from USTA Atlanta:
I am sending this email to all captains from this past season's USTA Business Women's teams. If you are not going to be captain for the upcoming season, PLEASE forward this to whomever is. Also, if you would forward this to all of your team members, I'd appreciate it. SO...
Starting in this upcoming USTA season, Summer 2011 - beginning May/June 2010 - the format for women's league tennis is as follows:
2.5 level: 3 lines of doubles only; NO SINGLES.
3.0 THRU 4.5: 4 lines of doubles; 1 line of singles.
5.0 (IF AVAILABLE): 3 lines of doubles; NO SINGLES.
2.5 and 5.0 teams will now need 6 registered members to play league tennis.
3.0 thru 4.5 teams will now need 9 registered members to play league tennis.
Please note that the format at the State tournament and beyond will remain the same as it has been:
2.5 and 5.0: 1 line of singles and 2 lines of doubles
3.0 thru 4.5: 2 lines of singles and 3 lines of doubles
Just be happy with the 2 singles and 3 doubles format. Most of the teams in our area has trouble fielding 2 singles guys week in and week out. Most guys get injured and guys over 35, want to play doubles not singles. You are an exception.
ONE GREAT way to satisfy your singles desire is to play USTA tournaments and/or Local sponsored tournament. Plenty of Singles play there.
I'm over 35 and I can play good singles. I think managing your body and avoiding injuries are key at any age. If you can remain healthy you can play singles. Its like Nadal will retire lot earlier than Roger it due to the style of play and managing your body.
Majority of guys over 35 want to play Doubles Not singles. Yes occasionally they want to play singles. That is why there is 2 Singles and Not 1 singles. 2 singles and 3 doubles is Plenty of singles. You can play in one of those spots, and don't worry about others.
Your making blanket statements about people over 35. I'm in way better shape than I was in my mid twenties. If you think 35 is the ceiling then your going to be old man lot sooner someday.....
It is guys like you they reason USTA has 2 singles,,,ok???? If it was up to me, it would only be 1 singles. most teams have trouble getting 2 singles guys because most of them even at USTA 4.5 level want to play doubles. These guys are all in great shape and play at high level.
Exactly - I'm still getting better every year than I was the year before. I'm faster around the court and my strokes are more powerful. I'm not dead yet!Your making blanket statements about people over 35. I'm in way better shape than I was in my mid twenties. If you think 35 is the ceiling then your going to be old man lot sooner someday.....