Identifying a chicago prostaff


Hall of Fame
I have this racquet that is bumperguard-less, has red primer showing on paintchips and scratches and has the 65-70 lbs tension sticker on the inside of the throat. Its buttcap reads GUI. Is it a St. Vincent or Chicago make?

Also, it seems quite even-balanced and not headlight.


New User
Chicago Prostaff

I was told that the three letter code on the butt cap stood for the year, month, and location. Off the top of my head, I believe Q for St. Vincent and I for Chicago and the I came from Illinois.


Hall of Fame
10isbum said:
I was told that the three letter code on the butt cap stood for the year, month, and location. Off the top of my head, I believe Q for St. Vincent and I for Chicago and the I came from Illinois.

Thanks, I too thought that the G and I meant Grove River Il. Did the chicagos still have the red primer?

La Bomba

You have got yourself a Chicago model. Because Chicagos have 65-70 pounds and they did have the red primer. Also no Chicagos ended in Q, and St.Vincents never ended in I.


Bionic Poster
Sounds like a Chicago version to me, too. I use to have one that had no bumper, 65-70 lbs. black tension sticker, red primer, and GMI on the butt cap.
I have one that says 65lbs to 70lbs. no bumper. butt says GRI.

it's more head heavy than my other 2 st vincents that ends with I.

weight wise it's almost the same


My GUI, 4 1/2 says, ('string at 70-75 lbs', 'Weight/Oz. 11.6-12.3 Unstring, Balanced 1.0-1.5 in. Headlight).
No scratches, so almost like new.BTW was bought in CHGO.


Hall of Fame
Thanks for the input guys. The question now is whether I need to be compensated for what was sold to me as a st. vincent. Is there much of a difference b/w them in terms of collectors value?


i don't understand how the letter in the buttcap means? can somebody explain? i have a prostaff tour with the letter ggx on the buttcap


New User
vkartikv said:
Thanks for the input guys. The question now is whether I need to be compensated for what was sold to me as a st. vincent. Is there much of a difference b/w them in terms of collectors value?

Yes, a large difference, you were ripped off. St. Vincents sell for a lot more than the chicago ones, and for collectors value Pete Sampras and Jim Courier only played with St. Vincents models.


dennis1188 said:
My GUI, 4 1/2 says, ('string at 70-75 lbs', 'Weight/Oz. 11.6-12.3 Unstring, Balanced 1.0-1.5 in. Headlight).
No scratches, so almost like new.BTW was bought in CHGO.

Hm..that's weird..never seen a tension range like that on a prostaff chicago/SV
is this the largehead model? or is it the midsize?


vkartikv said:
Thanks for the input guys. The question now is whether I need to be compensated for what was sold to me as a st. vincent. Is there much of a difference b/w them in terms of collectors value?

They play very similar to each least the Chicago and the bumperless SV does..
But the resell value is almost 2:1


Hall of Fame
Thaychua said:
They play very similar to each least the Chicago and the bumperless SV does..
But the resell value is almost 2:1

Thaychua, there is a Tim Pham on this board and I think I have him confused with you since he is on the west coast too.


I've got a prostaff that says GUI on the butt cap with the red W the tension range was taken off my some dumb@$$ who works at a racquet customization shop. its bumber less and on the top it looks like there is some red primer their arent to many cuts or scratches on the racquet to see if there is more red primer it only says wilson and prostaff on it. I cant figure out if its chicago or st.vincent. HELP


Bionic Poster
morganman said:
I've got a prostaff that says GUI on the butt cap with the red W the tension range was taken off my some dumb@$$ who works at a racquet customization shop. its bumber less and on the top it looks like there is some red primer their arent to many cuts or scratches on the racquet to see if there is more red primer it only says wilson and prostaff on it. I cant figure out if its chicago or st.vincent. HELP

It's a Chicago. St. Vincents have the letter "Q" on the butt cap code.


Thaychua said:
Hm..that's weird..never seen a tension range like that on a prostaff chicago/SV
is this the largehead model? or is it the midsize?
It is the bumperless prostaff midsize (85sqin), i only hv strung this at 62lbs.