Wait so if Fed wasn’t around Nadal breaking Sampras’ record wouldn’t be meaningful?Breaking the GS record right in front of Federer's face while he's still an active player would be a gazillion x more meaningful than Federer breaking Sampras' record who was never a moving target and retired eons ago, and a smaller number of GS titles to match.
Fedtаrds should be lucky Federer kept playing otherwise he would've already been surpassed.
Anyway relegating Sampras’s 14 slams to NBD kind of proves my point. How is it special to win this many slams when 4 players have now done it in the past 30 years? Sampras won his 14th slam in 2002. 16 years later 3 players have already passed that record.
In professional golf it’s been 33 years since Jack Nicklaus won his 18th slam and nobody has passed him. Tiger Woods is the closest but still 3 behind. The next closest on the list is Walter Hagen who won his last slam in 1929! The next closest active player is Phil Mickelson with 5 slams. It’s been 6 years since he last won a slam. Think about that. Of the active golfers on tour right now Tiger is 10 clear of his next closest competitor. Would Tiger‘s 15 slams be as impressive if Mickelson had, say, 14 and someone else was sitting at 12 or 13?
This is my whole point. When 3 players in the span of 16 years rack up double digit slam counts each it makes it less impressive. And for those saying this is just Fed whining, put anyone in his place. It’s not about him. It’s about one person dominating being more impressive than multiple people dominating. It’s hard to believe you have 3 freaks that just happen to come along around the same time. And how is tennis exciting anymore when you know who’s going to win a slam before the first point is played? Does anyone seriously think someone other than Djokovic or Nadal (or maybe Fed) is going to win the AO? If the three of them weren’t playing you’d have a much more exciting tournament with a number of players with a real shot of winning it and not one being the overwhelming favorite.