I'm thinking of joining a 3.5 doubles ladies team


I've played with most of these players before when they were 3.0's on a 3.5 seniors' team. They've all moved up to 3.5 last year and now 95% of the team are 3.5 players. Only one is 3.0 and I know she also plays singles, as do I.

Because I don't have enough usta playtime, I think I'm rated 3.0. Even could be 2.5. But everyone knows me so I'm not worried about the number. What percentage of 3.0 rated players are allowed on a 3.5 team? What would be my advantages/or the teams'?


New User
I'm not sure how it works in your section, but in Colorado, we can have an unlimited players on a team who play up a level. But to be eligible for district playoffs you have to have at least 50% play at level. I would have your captain look in the rule book.


The advantages would be playing better players. I always like playing up.The disadvantages would be playing better players if you aren't getting a lot of playing time in. If you feel like you can hang and the captain and other players want you on the team go do it and don't sweat it. Anyway with this rating adjustment it will be like playing 3.0.


I've played with most of these players before when they were 3.0's on a 3.5 seniors' team. They've all moved up to 3.5 last year and now 95% of the team are 3.5 players. Only one is 3.0 and I know she also plays singles, as do I.

Because I don't have enough usta playtime, I think I'm rated 3.0. Even could be 2.5. But everyone knows me so I'm not worried about the number. What percentage of 3.0 rated players are allowed on a 3.5 team? What would be my advantages/or the teams'?

Is the team strictly doubles, or are you being recruited for the singles spot (along with the other 3.0)?

That is not uncommon, especially if the rest of the ladies are older and/or more into playing doubles.

As far as percentage, again, you might want to check your local rules, but in my area you can have as many playing up as you like.

Advantages, as others mentioned, would playing against better players. Also, you would likely be playing on a more regular basis, which would also help you improve, and you'd be getting lots of match play (which is always harder than playing in clinics or drills). And, it is *fun*!

I don't really see any disadvantages for you, unless you find that you bit off more than you can chew level-wise...but at least then you would know to try a 3.0 team next time. And, if you do well enough (have some competitive matches) you'll end up with a 3.5 rating yourself.