Bionic Poster
I've seen Andre play in 2004 and 2005, yes he would never have beaten Federer or Novak on Grass if all of them were at their peaks. He can beat them on HCs but not on Grass where they essentially are superior athletes in movement to him with better serves too.
There is a reason why Federer has 8 wimbledons and Novak has 7 while Andre only has 1, it is not drivel to say that at their peaks they are all a tier above Andre. 1999 was probably a great version of Agassi but then the game has moved on, the Big 3 play higher level tennis. Most of the balls which vroomed past the receiver in 1990s would all be returned back in 2010s by the Big 3, the videos are there on youtube for everyone to see.
Pappu level post seriously.
Agassi's best levels at Wim were 92,95, not 99.
And thinking you can judge 90s, early 2000s Agassi by watching 04-05 Agassi is beyond stupid.
Djoko got beat by past prime fed, Murray and querrey at his prime at Wim in 11-16. Had his struggle(s) in earlier rounds in 11, 14, 15 even when he won. He's better than Agassi on grass, but definitely beatable by him
Just because he vultured big time in 19-22 doesn't mean Agassi couldn't beat him.
Ivanisevic has 1 Wimbledon and he beat a good Sampras in 92. Krajicek has 1 Wimbledon and he beat prime Sampras in 96.
In case it isn't clear, fed is a tier above Djoko on grass level wise and it ain't remotely close. Stop equating the 2. Sampras is a tier above Djoko as well.
Agassi also had to play on inconsistent bouncing, faster grass at Wim.
Djok would be winning less than he has on that sort of grass for sure. And Agassi would be winning more on 2000s grass than he did.
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