Index Finger Stiffness


I've just started playing tennis the last few days (always been a watcher, never had the chance to go ont eh court).

Well Friday I was out there for about 5 hours, and at abotu hour 4 my index finger felt some serious shock.

Anyhow, I'm not sure if I sprained it or not. Its on the part of my index finger near the fingernail facing towards the thumb side.


It feels like my finger is asleep (where when you touch it, its very sensitive). Whenever I touch it, it doesn't really hurt but if I like scratch it its very tender.

Anybody know what this is and when I can go back on the courts? I was thinking about just taping the finger.


Talk Tennis Guru
I have no medical background. Someone else may be able to give you an acurate idea of what you did to the finger.

My GUESS is that you overworked a nerve and it will take a day or so to get better.

What I can say for certain is you need to start slower, and work your way into tennis. 5 hours of nerve-jarring play is (I think) a bit much for just beginning the game.

muscles need to become strengthened, caloused formed, form developed.

When just starting I would keep it to about an hour every other day on the court and alternate with other forms of conditioning-- running, light weights, sit-ups, etc. Lessons wouldn't hurt, either.

Try applying cold to the finger and then warmth, repeat several times, take a couple days off and see how you feel. If the problem still persists, get some professional attention.

If the problem happens again, when you play, try a more forgiving racket, possibly a different grip size.

Report back what happens-- good luck,



El Diablo said:
Too much MasturB ????
Hah hah, just a nickname from a video game called Socom.

Seriously though, if I tape my finger I can go out and hit some tennis balls and play right?

I'm only 16