Interesting article


Talk Tennis Guru
As for Nadal being coached, it's one of those fake stories made up by Fedfans. Uncle Toni just had to say Vamos, to be accused of coaching.
As for Nadal being coached, it's one of those fake stories made up by Fedfans. Uncle Toni just had to say Vamos, to be accused of coaching.
“I talk to Rafa during matches. I know that it’s not allowed but I think that at my age I have nothing to hide,” Toni told the Spanish journalist David Nadal.

Earlier, Toni Nadal violated the on-court coaching rules during the 2019 Wimbledon Championships semifinals between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. The Spaniard coach admitted in an interview that he was trying to coach Nadal during the match.
He said in an interview, I asked him (Nadal) why he did not change his return position as both Francis Roig and I were telling him that during the match.”
Toni further added, “He (Nadal) told me he had not seen it. He did not understand us and if he did he would have definitely done it,”


Talk Tennis Guru
“I talk to Rafa during matches. I know that it’s not allowed but I think that at my age I have nothing to hide,” Toni told the Spanish journalist David Nadal.

Earlier, Toni Nadal violated the on-court coaching rules during the 2019 Wimbledon Championships semifinals between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. The Spaniard coach admitted in an interview that he was trying to coach Nadal during the match.
He said in an interview, I asked him (Nadal) why he did not change his return position as both Francis Roig and I were telling him that during the match.”
Toni further added, “He (Nadal) told me he had not seen it. He did not understand us and if he did he would have definitely done it,”
Toni must be very clever to say all that without anyone noticing. No wonder Rafa didn't understand him. Toni is an attention seeker.


Talk Tennis Guru
As for Nadal being coached, it's one of those fake stories made up by Fedfans. Uncle Toni just had to say Vamos, to be accused of coaching.

Lol. Completely accurate. It's an empty talking point regurgitated ad nauseum by idiots who have never actually seen it happen.


Hall of Fame
As annoying as Djokovic fans are, it's great to see Nadal fans confirming their status as the dumbest fanbase :)


Hall of Fame
Wow, great article. He states that Djoko was clearly in the wrong in both this incident and over the Adria Tour and yet the fact he's been criticised for both is proof that everyone is "against" him?

And neither Nadal's (allegedly) getting coaching or Federer's (allegedly) dodgy bathroom break would merit a disqualification.

This might be a radical thought but has any writer ever thought that maybe part of the reason people get annoyed by Djoko is because we keep getting told we "ought" to like him? Irrational but true.


Interesting article about Djokovic incident and Nadal Federer favoritism. Go ahead and fire away Fedal fans.
He said Nadal is the greatest of all time.. Don't care about the rest


I think the author, Greg Couch, has bipolar ?

In this very next article on the same page, written 2 hours ago, he is condemning Djokovic for not issuing a genuine apology.

“I’m very grateful to my team and family for being my rock support, and my fans for always being there with me. Thank you and I’m so sorry.’’

If only he could have said that to some human beings, or at least with a camera on him. It would have seemed so much more sincere, fully genuine.

He should have come out of hiding to do it.


Talk Tennis Guru
I think the author, Greg Couch, has bipolar ?

In this very next article on the same page, written 2 hours ago, he is condemning Djokovic for not issuing a genuine apology.

“I’m very grateful to my team and family for being my rock support, and my fans for always being there with me. Thank you and I’m so sorry.’’

If only he could have said that to some human beings, or at least with a camera on him. It would have seemed so much more sincere, fully genuine.

He should have come out of hiding to do it.
That's what these guys do. They write stories from both sides so they get more action and more polarizing responses from both sides.