Interesting racquet to string - Rox Pro Space T1


New User
Hi all,

I have been asked to string an interesting racquet, its a Rox Pro Space T1 with the unusual support arms through the strings. The racquet seems in good shape itself and I think I am happy to give it a try but there is very little information out there about tips on how it should be strung - specifically with the central 14 mains all coming down to the throat and 10 of them passing through the support arms and then looping through the throat I didnt think it is right to pull too much tension with the string through the throat assembly as it is effectively pulling in an S shape (or chicane if you are a motor sport enthusiast! ) and so I was thinking I would just pull tension over the throat and clamp then feed the string through the throat before pulling tension back up to the top of the racquet?

Pic for info showing the throat.

I found an old article on here from a racquet enthusiast but was just showing the ones he had bought.



It looks similar to the Prince Triple Threat with the bar at the bottom I posted a question about a few years ago and got great feedback on how to string.

I am not an expert like others out here so look forward to seeing the guidance you get and to learn something new.


New User
Not sure if anyone cares but my customer and I finally managed to get a date arranged to restring this racquet and I had fun this morning doing so. @LOBALOT thank you for your comment, I meant to say I went and read the other thread and the comments were mostly applicable to this racquet and having studied the racquet I felt comfortable stringing it.

Only a couple of minor issues in that it is an oversized head and on my basic Pros Pro Challenger II machine with the pillars set as far apart as possible the throat bar(?) was slightly obstructed and pulling the mains through was a little tricky - however there was just enough space to ensure they didnt kink but it did take far too long to slowly push and pull them through to minimise the risk. The only other issue was with the 1/4 inch offset in the mains in the middle the weave got steadily harder and harder and so I ended up sewing the last few pulls just as the comments in your Prince one said.

Overall an interesting racquet, ultimately the mains took longer than normal due to the unusual throat bar but the crosses were slightly quicker being only an 18M x 17C so pretty much the same time as a normal racquet and I guess would be slightly quicker to do again if needed now that I am happy with the process. Handing back to the customer tonight and hoping they enjoy it.


I have similar issues as far as the size of the prince triple threat and mounting it on my alpha ghost 2. I understand that back in the day they made an adapter for it but they are impossible to find. I wonder if there is one for this racquet as well.

I have strung the triple threat countless times since that thread and it really isn't that bad to string. I kind of enjoy it when he shows up with a stick to restring.

Steve Huff

It's kind of like a TT Ring with a bar to keep it from having a fan pattern. Yes, odd. I've strung several of the Rings. On a Prince (Ektelon) machine, you don't brace the racket on the "ring", but on the shaft itself. Put one of your thickest plastic supports on the mounting arm, then clamp down on the shaft to hold it in place. It's harder with a 6 point machine. You either invent a support (piece of curved wood with a hole drilled through it to put around the 6 o'clock mount) or rely on the side supports to hold it in place. It's a stiff racket, and I've never seen one get too short doing it this way. Those throat supports on that Rox Pro racket look flimsy, and they'd have me worried a little too. Glad you got it done.