Moose Malloy
That’s no excuse for him though.
It is interesting to me that Borg was near-unbeatable when he played in front of crowds who were respectful and revered him (FO and W), but rather less so in front of raucous New York crowds in the evening.
Many players complained about the lights in the early years of Flushing Meadow(I remember Navratilova being pretty vocal about how she hated night matches there). I believe they improved them in '85 or '86.
I think its a stretch to say Borg was revered by RG crowds. His style of play was considered pretty boring to the French(they like attacking players or artists). The crowd was on Panatta's side when he beat Borg in '76. There were articles in France after the '78 RG Final(Borg-Vilas) calling that match maybe the low point in the event's history(rallies up to 80 shots in that match!). I think Borotra(or one of the Musketeers) gave Borg the trophy that year and then told the press after that he thought the final was "terrible" tennis.
You should watch the '79 RG Final with Pecci(an attacking player). He was down 2 sets and 5-3 in the third before mounting a comeback to win the set 7-6. The crowd was going nuts for him, chanting his name etc the rest of the match. At some point someone yelled "Allez Borg" and the crowd booed!