Hall of Fame
"Singles state" meaning HS championships?
@OnTheLine can provide a testimonial on the value of the lob.
It's really not that hard to learn: if you already can hit a BH slice [use a Continental grip], you just need to modify the swing path, racquet face angle, and ball trajectory. While that might seem like a lot, you can do progressions: start out hitting a regular slice and then start altering variables. You'll find that as you change one, the others will naturally tend to change too. If you don't, you will hit long.
To use a golf analogy, think of moving from a 2 iron to a pitching wedge in stages. The 2 iron has a low trajectory and moves relatively quickly towards its destination; a pitching wedge has a high trajectory and moves relatively slowly.
Hit a hundred and you should have a pretty good idea of what needs to be done. And you can do this solo with self-feeds. Even better if you have a very high wall to hit against.
Then progress to working with a partner: lobbing every ball might get boring for him so maybe do a normal rally and every 5th shot or so, lob. If you can get it high or deep, that's good enough to neutralize just about anyone at 4.0 and even many at 4.5. If you can do both, you're golden.
FH might be more difficult because not everyone slices much with the FH.
As one old saying goes, "In tennis you need a nice hard drive and a nice soft lob."
For example:
Yes I can certainly attest to it. Doesn't mean it wasn't the single most difficult thing for me to learn.
AND ... can only do it with top spin. Could never get the height or depth with a chip/backspin lob.
Much easier for me to learn off the backhand.
And still not a shot that I am totally comfortable with nor consider entirely reliable.
Most people's overheads are just not good enough to deal with a high lob so sacrifice depth before height.