Is my grip a bad habit ?


New User
Hello I am a 3.5 player and I’ve struggled for a long time to find my grip but I have always been more comfortable gripping the racquet at the very bottom where the butt cap is basically on my palm and I feel like this makes it harder for me to stabilize the racquet and if I raise my grip up about and inch to where the butt cap is below my palm I find more control but it feels very odd and awkward which can also mess me up and I end up going back to my other grip anyways. I just wanted to get an opinion if my grip is a bad habit and I should train myself to get used to another grip or if maybe I simply need to work on my grip strength and technique....


That's fine. Do what's comfortable, and then adjust as per your needs.


golden chicken

Hall of Fame
I am most comfortable with about half my pinkie finger hanging off the buttcap, like the pic of Nadal above. This puts my ring finger in the valley between the buttcap and handle. Combined with a trigger finger grip, I get all the control I need.


Hall of Fame
Low grip good for whipping groundies.
Holding higher good for volleys.
On this note, I feel like adjusting ones grip early based on court position and where you hit the ball is something rec players as a group struggle with. Use that left hand, adjust to the ball you're about to get