Is the PureDrivePlus longer than the Standard in just the handle or neck aswell?
Is the Babolat PureDrivePlus 0.5 inch longer in the handle? OR
0.25 longer in handle and 0.25 longer in the neck (shaft)?
I wanted to know cause I might lengthen my PureDriveStandard handle.
Anyone know the best way to lengthen the handle?
I will take off the buttcap add something in there (what material is best?), then stick it back on (shoegoo to preserve handle? or staples?).
Thanks everyone.
Is the Babolat PureDrivePlus 0.5 inch longer in the handle? OR
0.25 longer in handle and 0.25 longer in the neck (shaft)?
I wanted to know cause I might lengthen my PureDriveStandard handle.
Anyone know the best way to lengthen the handle?
I will take off the buttcap add something in there (what material is best?), then stick it back on (shoegoo to preserve handle? or staples?).
Thanks everyone.