Is PureDrivePlus longer in neck or handle? or both?



Is the PureDrivePlus longer than the Standard in just the handle or neck aswell?

Is the Babolat PureDrivePlus 0.5 inch longer in the handle? OR
0.25 longer in handle and 0.25 longer in the neck (shaft)?

I wanted to know cause I might lengthen my PureDriveStandard handle.
Anyone know the best way to lengthen the handle?
I will take off the buttcap add something in there (what material is best?), then stick it back on (shoegoo to preserve handle? or staples?).

Thanks everyone.


That stuff sounds a bit risky, I'd rather just buy the Team Plus rather than screwing around with the standard


It's easy, heaps of people do it. Just google it to find out.
People take off their buttcap all the time. I might replace it with a 0.5 or 0.25 inch longer buttcap. I think you can buy them, anyone know if TennisWarehouse has 'em?

Does the PureDrivePlus just have a longer buttcap? or is it the handle that is longer? or is it the shaft and the handle (0.25 each)? (The heads are the same 100sqInch)

I read on another thread in this forum that this guy wrote to Babolat with reference to weather the materials are the same in the standard and plus versions and they told him that they "use exactly the same frame for both, but they are first recieved at 29 inches and then cut" (then he said no more) This statement could mean either answer to my query. I need to find a tennis shop with both! Anyone know the answer?