Wonder if you earned your name ‘Injured Again’ and the double-digit surgeries because of sleeping 4.5 hours for 15 hours. Humans need more sleep or their bodies and minds don’t function properly.
Like I said, life circumstances dictated I either do that or don’t do the things I love, which were to have children, spend quality time with my family and wife in the evenings, and physically exercise. My philosophy was that life is not guaranteed - I could die any day if a bus runs me over crossing a street. So I lived life to the full extent I could manage.
I don’t think my sleep patterns were responsible for any of my major injuries. My left shoulder injury was from a crash in a bike race where a rider chopped my front wheel as I was passing him. My right shoulder’s pec and biceps tendon tear was during a bench press. My left ankle rupture was during a USTA league match where I pushed off and my perineal retinaculum gave way. My c7/c8 spinal fusion was the result of a lifetime of throwing and overhead sports. And my left knee replacement was just from me wearing it out.
Those were tough years but I think the only effect the lack of sleep caused was early burnout from work, which led me to retire at age 55. That wasn’t from any brain deficit issues but because after a 30 year career in tech where spending a few hours each day just to keep up was the norm, I just ran out of the will to do so.
I do now sleep about ten hours each night and it feels MAHVELOUS!