Confirms your big misunderstanding, you obviously never heard about the Bortolotti case. Ignorance can be a bliss.…
I read about clostebol, and it can actually be used intentionally or unintentionally, and here is the problem because the cream Trodoferim has been banned since 2020, his fitness coach, did not know about it or was he playing dumb etc?!?!
Why were the tennis players that Darren Cahill trained (and currently trains) caught doping, and I remind you the names: Agassi, Verdasco, Halep, Sinner...?! (A coincidence?!)
This is all suspicious to me, besides, a professional player should know that his team carries the banned cream trodofirm..?!
His fitness coach did not know that it was his banned cream,
since many Italian athletes were caught taking clostebol...
There are so many question marks in this case that it is huge absurd.!!