Is this a good racquet to go for?


New User
After two years playing with the extremely light Nano Ti.S6, I decided that a new racket was in order. The Nano is a really underpowered racquet although I would recommend it to beginner players due to its weight and manoeuverabillity.

I may as well briefly assess my game ; I'm right handed, been playing for around 3 years and I'd say I'm around 3.5 after looking at the NTRP ratings.

I'm 6 foot 3 and around 172 lbs, and my main weapon is my forehand - it's the only shot where I can pull off winners with a suitable degree of accuracy. My backhand is one handed and improving at a reasonable rate although I still make a fair amount of errors on that side. Due to my height and cumbersome physique, I'm also pretty poor at the net but net play doesn't feature in much of my game - I consider myself an aggressive baseliner

As for my serve, it's very inconsistent and it lacks variety. When I'm serving well, I tend to get around 60% serves in and I'm positive some of them reach over 100 MPH.

Enough rambling, I've decided that the Head Microgel Extreme MP looks like a pretty decent racquet to go for. :) It's heavier than the Nano, and it looks like it favours aggressive players like me.

What are your opinions on the racquet, and does it suit my style of play?



hmm i acually don't really know what you favor in a racquet. so it's pretty hard for me to choose one for you.

everytime i recommend a racquet i mostly start out by giving the head radical out to them. i always feel that racquet suits most people's game and due to the nature of that racquet it will surely improve their game style. it has enough pop along with control, tight string pattern which is harder to put spin on. if u can get enough spin with that tight string pattern, u can look at almost any other racquets. also choose a head light racquet.

ur racquet (head extreme) is .25 inch longer then a standard one. since its longer it will help u tons with ur ground stroke, especially forehand, and serve.
you might struggle with volley with a longer racquet but u consider you self as an aggressive baseliner so yea...

finally, demo a lot of racquets. that helps the MOST

i hope i helped. it is just opinion rated so, if u disagree i don't mind at all.


New User
Thanks for answering, bud.

I guess I haven't played the game long enough to know what I want from the racquet specifically - but something much heavier than my old nano was needed. I also prefer to have the extra length for the reasons you mentioned.

Anyways, I've asked to demo this and I'll see how it goes. More input is welcome however. :-D


as you get better you will know what u would like in a racquet. improve your tech. first.

happy hitting. hope you like ur racquet! =]