Is this a good workout plan?

Example of a week:
Monday-Upper Body and Lower Body Weights
Tuesday-Core and Speed Workout
Wednesday-Upper Body and Lower Body Weights
Thursday-Core and Endurance Workout
Friday-Upper and Lower Body Weights
Saturday-Core and Speed Workout

Tennis fits in between.

My Upper Body Excercises:
1)Dumbell Curls
2)Overhead Tricep Extension
3)Lateral Raise with Dumbells
4)Wrist Curls with Dumbells
5)Dumbell Bench Press
6)Lat Pulldown
7)Low Row Machine

My Lower Body Excercises:
1)Dumbell Squats
2)Walking Lunges with Dumbells
3)Calf Raise Machine
4)Leg Press Machine

In between every set I do push ups, or crunches, or any other workout so I can keep up the intensity and minimize rest.

Does this schedule look good and are these Excercises good also?



You don't gain muscle by lifting more often, you gain muscle when you rest. You're gonna burn out fast on your schedule pretty quick. As for exercises, do you have access to a real gym and/or barbell + weights or only dumbells?


You need to get some shoulder/upper back exercises in there...

Oh....I missed the lateral raises.....that should do it....if done the proper ways....


New User
I hate to put it this way... but you're trying to hard and are going to hurt yourself.

It takes between 72 and 96 hours for muscle groups to fully recover (and muscle builds during the recovery period), working them out every other day is just asking to hurt yourself.

Instead of "upper body / lower body" split your days up much more specifically.

VERY BASIC example but effective nonetheless
Monday - Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
Tuesday - Tennis, no lifting
Wednesday - Pull Day (Back, Biceps)
Thursday - Cardio/Core
Friday - Legs

Just play tennis on the weekend, mix in some yoga or other mildly intensive stretching routine.

tl;dr - Split muscle groups, rest


Hall of Fame
Example of a week:
Monday-Upper Body and Lower Body Weights
Tuesday-Core and Speed Workout
Wednesday-Upper Body and Lower Body Weights
Thursday-Core and Endurance Workout
Friday-Upper and Lower Body Weights
Saturday-Core and Speed Workout

Tennis fits in between.

My Upper Body Excercises:
1)Dumbell Curls
2)Overhead Tricep Extension
3)Lateral Raise with Dumbells
4)Wrist Curls with Dumbells
5)Dumbell Bench Press
6)Lat Pulldown
7)Low Row Machine

My Lower Body Excercises:
1)Dumbell Squats
2)Walking Lunges with Dumbells
3)Calf Raise Machine
4)Leg Press Machine

In between every set I do push ups, or crunches, or any other workout so I can keep up the intensity and minimize rest.

Does this schedule look good and are these Exercises good also?

Question is, what's your goal in working out?

If you're basically doing a full body work out 3X a week, you might want to build a bit more rest in (maybe some light cardio for active recovery), especially if you're playing tennis and/or doing lots of cardio or sprint work during the week.

Why add push-ups or crunches between sets? If you're lifting heavy enough, you're going to need the time to fully recover for the next set (think quality of lift/not quantity). If you need to add exercises between sets then maybe you're going too light or you could just keep the recover period very short to increase intensity.

I'd take out the leg press machine and do barbell squats, it's worth learning even if you need a session or two with the trainer to learn.

I'd look at adding dead lifts or dead lift variations (Romanian dead lifts, kettle bell swings).

I assume you play tennis, think about adding some work to keep the rotator cuffs strong and in good condition.

Also why are dumbbell curls #1 on your list? If you do rows, pull ups, lat pull-downs, you generally don't need to do many curls. I'd do the bi/tri isolation work last if you really want to do it.
Thanks creyes, I agree with what you said.
JRstriker12, my goal is to work out so I will perform better on the tennis court. I agree that I should maybe just do weights workout twice a week and the other days I will be doing tennis, resting, or cardio and core. I like to do excercises in between sets so I can keep up the intensity of my workouts and not just sit there in between sets. I was thinking about adding squats and dead lifts also. For rotator cuff, should I use a resistence band? Also the workouts I listed not in the order that I do them.
Thanks guys!


Hall of Fame
Thanks creyes, I agree with what you said.
JRstriker12, my goal is to work out so I will perform better on the tennis court. I agree that I should maybe just do weights workout twice a week and the other days I will be doing tennis, resting, or cardio and core. I like to do excercises in between sets so I can keep up the intensity of my workouts and not just sit there in between sets. I was thinking about adding squats and dead lifts also. For rotator cuff, should I use a resistence band? Also the workouts I listed not in the order that I do them.
Thanks guys!

Resistance bands are great tools for rotator cuff work. I separated shoulder on my tennis arm playing soccer. I found internal and external rotation with resistance bands go a long way with keeping that shoulder healthy.

As for intensity - if you have to do push-up or crunches between sets, you're doing it wrong. This seems to indicate you are not challenging yourself. You should instead vary intensity by either 1. Increasing loads 2. increasing number of repetitions or 3. Decreasing the rest period between exercises.

For #3 there are a couple of different ways you can do this for example you could just keep the rest period to 30 seconds. But I like to work opposing muscle groups so you don't really need to rest. For example, doing the bench press then moving to do rows.

FWIW- doing alot of push-ups between sets is sort of counter productive as if your work the upper body that day, you either will be too tired when you get to the main exercise like the bench press or you won't push yourself if you do the bench press first.

FWIW - USTA has some guides on strength training for tennis:


Hall of Fame
Here is my recommedation (if you are not training to be a tennis pro and if you have to earn a living by working):

Monday: rest, static stretching
Tue: barbell squats
Wed: rest, static stretching
Thu: deadlift
Fri: rest, static stretching
sat: tennis/swim/run
sun: standing barbell press, benchpress


Hall of Fame
overtraining, even pros on steroids train each bodypart once a week now. Get away from the old, get in with the new


Then I would focus on squats, deadlifts, power cleans, pendlay rows, pull ups, dips, bench press, overhead press, barbell curls

LOL no, not true at all

Don't you know? Lu Xiaojun does a body part split to increase his Snatch and Clean & Jerk

It's not like the Bulgarian team under Abadjiev literally trained like it was a full time job doing compound movements....
Tennis is hard to train for because of the need to do court work, work on speed and agility, and lift for strength.

You may want to check out Donald Chu's book Power Tennis Training [Paperback] because it has detailed specific workout plans.

"Power Tennis Training combines a variety of training methods specifically designed to increase tennis players' endurance, strengthen the muscles they use most often, and enhance their speed. These methods are integrated into 3 training blocks that each feature a mix of different workouts. Each block lasts 4 weeks, providing an easy-to-follow 3-month workout cycle that can be repeated again and again.

Workouts in the first block focus on enhancing endurance and developing strength in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In the next two blocks, workouts are designed to help players become faster and hit the ball harder by applying strength more effectively to their tennis strokes."

You can get a used copy for as little as one cent; $9 for a new copy is still a bargain.