Is this all according to Nadal’s plan?


As you all know, Ruud is a former attendee of the Rafael Nadal Academy. This means that Nadal has had many years to shape and mould Ruud’s game. However, is it possible that Nadal has also created Ruud as a tool to stay in the slam race?

Last year, Ruud all but forfeited the RG final from the start, giving Nadal a routine win to extend his slam lead to 2. What if Ruud purposely yielded to his headmaster Nadal as part of their RNA pact, and now since Nadal is injured he is using Ruud as a means to perserve his place in the slam race by having him beat Djokovic? What if Ruud intentionally dropped the final last year and will now unleash his true power against Djokovic to keep the slam race even? What if Nadal has been training Ruud in the ways of making Djokovic his RG Pigeon all along?!



As you all know, Ruud is a former attendee of the Rafael Nadal Academy. This means that Nadal has had many years to shape and mould Ruud’s game. However, is it possible that Nadal has also created Ruud as a tool to stay in the slam race?

Last year, Ruud all but forfeited the RG final from the start, giving Nadal a routine win to extend his slam lead to 2. What if Ruud purposely yielded to his headmaster Nadal as part of their RNA pact, and now since Nadal is injured he is using Ruud as a means to perserve his place in the slam race by having him beat Djokovic? What if Ruud intentionally dropped the final last year and will now unleash his true power against Djokovic to keep the slam race even? What if Nadal has been training Ruud in the ways of making Djokovic his RG Pigeon all along?!

are you suggesting that Rafa can't beat Ruud @RG unless they make a deal?