In the game of tennis, probably one of the best ways to win a match is to play your best game and make your opponent play his worst game. Any style of play can result in opponent playing badly, but pushing usually works the best when it comes to actual play. Play style is not limited by the rules; you may play like a power-hitter or a pusher.
However, the mental tricks I'm talking about here are tricks done without racket.
You can make your opponent lose focus on the game for example by complimenting him or saying something else that affects opponent psychologically and makes his level of play drop.
Do you think this kind of mental play is acceptable to win a match?
However, the mental tricks I'm talking about here are tricks done without racket.
You can make your opponent lose focus on the game for example by complimenting him or saying something else that affects opponent psychologically and makes his level of play drop.
Do you think this kind of mental play is acceptable to win a match?