Isospeed Speed Control 16


New User
Anyone tried this string? Said that it plays like natural gut. If I were to buy a reel, will the weather affect the quality of string since it is not packed in an air tight packet?


Hall of Fame
Weather will not affect it. It's made of the same stuff as water skiing rope(polypropoline).
Control Classic is polyolefin.
Try a set before committing to a reel.
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Many people report that the Classic version is better. I found it to be a very basic string with no real strengths or weaknesses.


New User
Review seems to be good and other multis are very expensive :( I'm a frequent string breaker and I prefer multi compared to poly


I'm very skeptical of "gut" like strings because none are. Only one is, and I won't give them the money or the mention of their name since they're such scum. So, with that said, I'd like to try this out and see just how "gutty" it is :)


I'm very skeptical of "gut" like strings because none are. Only one is, and I won't give them the money or the mention of their name since they're such scum. So, with that said, I'd like to try this out and see just how "gutty" it is :)

Give it a shot, but I think you'll be disappointed. You may want to try the Classic version since people seem to rave more about it.


Hall of Fame
i have played the new professional in 1.20 and was really pleasantly surprised - a thin multi that was rather low powered, offered good control and touch, having a higher initial tension loss but then keeping well and the even bigger surprise was that it was rather durable!!! (which means some 9 hitting hours for me - put this in relation with the gauge!).

where we seem to drift apart is that i found the mantis comfort syn to offer EQUAL playing pleasure (at more than half the price - but also considerably less durability - 5-6 hitting hours max.). while we seem to agree on much about the mantis comfort syn, obviously in respect to the isospeed professional (not classic which i haven't played!) we are almost at opposite ends.

the control i played and did not like, due to the solid central core it is much stiffer than the professional and to my surprise also a lot less durable, in spite of the larger diameter i played (1.30mm which is 16g i guess). a lot less touch to it also. maybe as full bed it's o.k., as a cross it did not perform in my combos i tried.

Uvijek Argen

Love all these ribbon strings from Head/Isospeed.

Question to ask is:

A-Do you like muted/damp feeling? if the answer is yes, this string is for you.

B-Do you like more lively Nylon/multi feeling (meaning crunchy like gut or synthetic)? If the answer is yes, then maybe you wont like ribbon strings.

My wife play with natural gut and when she tried my intellitour, her reply was "wow this is so soft and controllable". My reply? "yep". Now she is waiting to break her gut to jump to the ribbons. Bought for her AXIS multi to try before she settle with intellitour since she need a little more power.

Great strings!!


New User
Now, I'm kind of confuse. Is it more of a poly or multi? I played with the intellitour before and it was not a bad string. I've been testing out many strings and still can't find one that I really like that is reasonably priced.

I love the NRGs, livewires and x-one biphase but they"re too expensive and they break easily. In terms of poly, my fav is still black code and timo 18.

The price for isospeed classic seems reasonable if it's in a reel therefore was thinking of giving it a try.


Hall of Fame
polyolefin is quite different from polyester - they just both start with poly. usually poly is used for polyester strings, that are monofilaments and considerably stiffer than the ones with ribbons made of polyolefins.

Uvijek Argen

Now, I'm kind of confuse. Is it more of a poly or multi? I played with the intellitour before and it was not a bad string.

Oh, then thats good to know, cause Isospeed control is pretty much intellitour RIP feel( the cross string in intellitour).
So actually you have an idea then.​


Hall of Fame
Now I'm confused. Isospeed Control is polypropoline, not RIP Feel at all, is it?
I know Isospeed makes the Head RIP strings, but which is which?

Uvijek Argen

Axon Multi

Off topic.....but

Now this has to be the best looking string in the market.



I hate the Axon... No spin potential at all.. The ISOspeed comfort and professional don't give very good spin but give good control. Also they are easy on the arm and low powered. Truthfully they are the perfect string to hybrid with a stiff spinny poly...


I use ISOSPEED Professional Classic 17 in both mains and crosses at 60/56lbs and love it. It was out of stock when I ordered my EX03 Tours so I went with the Control Classic 16g instead. Since the two strings were used on different racquet it won't be a direct comparasion but I do think it is wear that I think the 17g holds up better and gives more feel than the 16g. This might just be because of the port holes.

To the post above I would have to agree, I did not like Axon Multi. Cool looking but just feels dead and gives no bite.

I have also used Head intelitour and rip control. I like these but second to Iso Pro Classic. I feel like the Head strings have slightly less feel and comfort but only slightly more spin. Just my 2 cents.


New User
I've just ordered a reel of Isospeed Classic Control 16. Hopefully it will turn out great. I just love to try out new strings on different rackets. Anybody knows where I can get laserfibre strings?