Ivanisevic now playing with the Head Flexpoint Radical.


Hall of Fame
It could be something else than the Flexpoint Radical, but its definitely not the Prestige, thicker beamwidth, larger headsize.


Hall of Fame
I think it's the real thing. Why would he paintjob his racket. He's kinda retired and almost never on Tv anymore.


Hall of Fame
gonzalocatalino said:
the racquet is definitively not midsized. Looks like an mp frame, probably is a real flexpoint.
probably a costum but i doubt since the flepxoint tech is new and they must still be reasearching on which frame size it works best



Mos Def. not a flexpoint

Steve Huff

I don't see Head custom making rackets for Goran anymore. And, as little as he plays anymore, I don't think the Flexpoint is so bad he couldn't use it. He's most interested in how he serves with a racket anyway.


Steve Huff said:
I don't see Head custom making rackets for Goran anymore. And, as little as he plays anymore, I don't think the Flexpoint is so bad he couldn't use it. He's most interested in how he serves with a racket anyway.

He never had a custom racket. Just used a paintjob. I'm sure pj aren't that difficult or costly for head.
What does anyone really care....players at this stage of their career (or post-career) will play with a spatula if they can get paid to, and who can blame them for it. Naturally a racquet company wants their latest (or latest paint) in his hands when the cameras start clicking.
The yellow overgrip is now called Syntec, by Babolat. As to his actual base grip, the Head Calfskin was the grip of choice with his Prestiges...not sure what he used with the Yonex's or new Heads.
The yellow overgrip is now called Syntec, by Babolat. As to his actual base grip, the Head Calfskin was the grip of choice with his Prestiges...not sure what he used with the Yonex's or new Heads.


Steve Huff said:
I don't see Head custom making rackets for Goran anymore. And, as little as he plays anymore, I don't think the Flexpoint is so bad he couldn't use it. He's most interested in how he serves with a racket anyway.

I'm sure Head will make paintjobs for Ivanisevic always. In other parts of the world, there's a thing called heritage. If people click on this thread, then that shows Head should have some incentive already.


paintjobs arent expensive? sure they are..they are very expensive..one manufacturer sez each paintjobbed racquet costs them around 300 bucks..but i suppose it varies....example would be custom painting the flexpoint and liquidmetal on agassi's frame...tres costly


How would they make a pro pay $500 for a paintjob? For example, painting a Flexpoint Radical on a Liquidmetal Instinct wouldn't cost more than painting a Flexpoint Radical from all black graphite to red and black.