You miss his point. the question was "what is normal" and he used a perfect example as to what is supposed to be "normal" in that those Columbine kids were brought up in normal households and what eneded up happening? You see, you are passing judgement about the Silva family from a few morsels of information. Unlike Tennisfloridawannabecoach, Brad is just simply stating to each his own and try not to make slight of a situation that may be different from yours. You make the Silva's situation sound so cut/dry and honsetly you are as ignorant a poster I have met...not stupid, but completely ignorant. You actually seem like a bright person, but how you can possibly pass such judgement is beyond any logic. You, Brad and everyone else on this thread don't know what really happened, so why assume what happened? Do you really believe everything you read or hear?
No...he got the missed it.
Normal is not having 2 kids by their early teens who have guns and pipebombs all over their rooms....and parents who look the other way.
That is not a normal upbringing. An occasional fist fight among boys is normal....a boy with a hunting rifle in his room that his dad teaches him to use is normal upbringing.
A room full of guns and bombs in plain sight in a suburban house is not.