Jewish ATP/WTA Tennis Players CURRENTLY in Top 100

So, I noticed there hasn't been a list like this in a while, so I was wondering if we could produce a list of Jewish ATP/WTA tennis players currently in the top 100.

Diego Schwartzman

Sara Errani (???? Can anyone confirm this??)
Camila Giorgi

Anyone else??


Schwartzman is jewish? From his last name I automatically assumed he was one of those ****'s (nozi is censored?) who sought refugee in Argentina. Admittedly, my historical knowledge is limited.
Schwartzman is jewish? From his last name I automatically assumed he was one of those ****'s (nozi is censored?) who sought refugee in Argentina. Admittedly, my historical knowledge is limited.

No, I know he's Jewish. I know him and Giorgi are Jewish and I'm pretty sure Errani is too (although I am looking for confirmation from someone...).


Why would anyone care how much-or less- of players are Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Buhddist, Atheist, Pastafarian, or whatever??

Seriously, why bother?
Religion - of whatever kind - has already done more damage to the world than anyone whould have ever wanted. For over some 2000 years already, and sadly - counting.

Please leave it out of sports (and if I would have a say in the matter, out of life in general - religion appears to seriously damage one's mental health, at least when it comes to objective judgement of facts).
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Why would anyone care how much-or less- of players are Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Buhddist, Atheist, or whatever??

Seriously, why bother?
Religion - of whatever kind - has already done more damage to the world than anyone whould have ever wanted. Please leave it out of sports (and if I would have a say in the matter, out of life in general).

Where exactly religion fits in sports ? I back you up 100%, who cares ...


Hall of Fame
Why would anyone care how much-or less- of players are Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Buhddist, Atheist, or whatever??

Seriously, why bother?
Religion - of whatever kind - has already done more damage to the world than anyone whould have ever wanted.
Please leave it out of sports (and if I would have a say in the matter, out of life in general - religion appears to seriously damage one's mental health, at least when it comes to objective judgement of facts).

Please leave your opinion on the effects of religion out of sports and this forum.

Thank you. :)


New User
Some things are better left for the only Israeli/Jewish forums.

Compiling lists of 'best soccer players/tennis players/opera singers who are Jewish" is an hobby only other Jewish people can grasp, LOL.


I hope *nowhere*. :)

I will never be able to understand this lunacy that's called "religion".
Of whatever kind.

I used to share the same view but it has changed after I became a little interested in Buddhism. I agree that it's silly to claim to fully believe something that can not be proven to be true. But other than that, it also gives someone a sense of purpose and a (moral) guideline in life.
Let me put it this way: If one were to follow the ten commandments, that person would already be a better person than most people nowadays.


New User
Schwartzman is jewish? From his last name I automatically assumed he was one of those ****'s (nozi is censored?) who sought refugee in Argentina. Admittedly, my historical knowledge is limited.

His family are Holocaust survivors. Yes, lots of N@zis fled to Argentina, but there are also 250K Jews in Argentina. Many fled there before, during or after WW2.


In addition to the names previously mentioned, Lance may be a long lost member of the tribe (whether he acknowledges it or not):


Hall of Fame
This again?

Would they be better/worse if they were/weren't?

I'm genuinely curious to know if your genuine curiosity to know is due to such a thought. Sincerely hope not.


New User
Some things are better left for the only Israeli/Jewish forums.

Compiling lists of 'best soccer players/tennis players/opera singers who are Jewish" is an hobby only other Jewish people can grasp, LOL.

This is credited. The goyim will just never get it... ;)


I used to share the same view but it has changed after I became a little interested in Buddhism. I agree that it's silly to claim to fully believe something that can not be proven to be true.

But other than that, it also gives someone a sense of purpose and a (moral) guideline in life.
Let me put it this way: If one were to follow the ten commandments, that person would already be a better person than most people nowadays.
And here's where I - and I bet tons of fellow atheists and agnosts - disagree.
There is NO need for any a bible, a ten commandments, a Koran, or whatever a so-called 'Holy Book' to tell folks that murder, thieving, adultery, or whatever are 'bad' - folks who are able to think for themselves in a decent way know that very well already.

How about, "don't do to others which you wouldn't want to be done to you"? or the likes - in other words - common sense?

Jesus was a pretty cool guy though, have to admit that - I particularly like his "Who is without sin, cast the first stone." :)

OK back on topic, I presume.
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Hall of Fame
Bad idea...

How about you doing the same? Just an idea. Bye.
See, now you're just being stupid. I didn't express a thought on the effects of religion in any way. That was you, all you.

It's hypersensitive, disturbed people like you who get threads deleted around here.

This again?

Would they be better/worse if they were/weren't?

I'm genuinely curious to know if your genuine curiosity to know is due to such a thought. Sincerely hope not.
Maybe a Jew can speak to this definitively, but I assume it is simply a matter of identity, or identifying with certain people. Much the same way that other religions, cultures, races, genders, lifestyles, etc. identify with each other. I don't see this as an all consuming issue. It's a curiosity. What I wonder is, what compels some to click on this thread, that they have no apparent interest in, and spew negativity and assume the worst of its motives.


And here's where I - and I bet tons of fellow atheists and agnosts - disagree.
There is NO need for any a bible, a ten commandments, a Koran, or whatever a so-called 'Holy Book' to tell folks that murder, thieving, adultery, or whatever are 'bad' - folks who are able to think for themselves in a decent way know that very well already.

How about, "don't do to others which you wouldn't want to be done to you"? or the likes - in other words - common sense?

Jesus was a pretty cool guy though, have to admit that - I particularly like his "Who is without sin, cast the first stone." :)

OK back on topic, I presume.

How can you say that in the modern world it's "common sense" to not commit adultery, to not harm other living beings, to not steal? I bet more than half of the people today does at least one of those things. Just because it sounds like common sense to you is not enough. Nobody cares how logical it all sounds to you. If you cheat on your girlfriend, and think to yourself "Well, it's pretty obvious that this is wrong, but I'm still doing it". Then you're still in the same place as the people who don't have that "common sense".

I'm not religious though. As I said, I'm only interested in Buddhism, and Buddhists don't have any kind of Holy Book. But they are very mindful of what they do and will not let themselves be consumed by greed or anger and harm other people because of it. (At least, any proper Buddhist wouldn't do that)


Bionic Poster
Well, that site leaves Errani off the list and I've heard from elsewhere that she is Jewish, so it's really up in the air, and who really knows if Wikipedia is right or not.

What sources have told you that she is and how reliable are they? I don't see why Wikipedia wouldn't have included her if she had openly identified herself as being either Jewish or of Jewish heritage!


Hall of Fame
Damn OP...couldn't you have just googled it, and not started the religious BS debates! LMAO:twisted:


This thread will get taken down quick always does.

I don't know if Sara Errani is ethnically Jewish, you'll have to research the history of the region Emilia Romagna...

What I really hate is people who have to stoke a fire and it's usually the old internet argument of Atheism vs Religion...leave that out of this site because everyone on this site is different and holds differing beliefs.
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Hall of Fame
What I really hate is people who have to stoke a fire and it's usually the old internet argument of Atheism vs Religion...leave that out of this site because everyone on this site is different and holds differing beliefs.

Despite their behaviour, most here are adults cappable of holding an argument.
These threads shouldn't be deleted unless they're derailed a la Rants and Raves (which this one hasn't reached but it's near :lol: )
I agree that it's silly to claim to fully believe something that can not be proven to be true.

Pretty sure you din't check every nut and bolt on every chair you sat down in today. That, my friend, is fully believing the chair will hold you up without proving it to be true (i.e. faith). Since no religion (atheism included) can be proven 100% true, does that mean we must fully believe there is nothing (which can also not be proven true)? I do find it very interesting that this man called Jesus fulfilled (scientific discoveries have proven fulfillment) a ridiculous amount of prophesies dating back to 1,000 years before his birth (the probabilities of one man fulfilling even just a small amount of these prophesies are darn near zero).

Also, Sharon Fichman has broken into the top 100 before (although just outside currently), and is Jewish.
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Bobby Jr

Schwartzman is jewish? From his last name I automatically assumed he was one of those ****'s (nozi is censored?)...
Say what? The name is immediately Jewish-sounding imo. I bet if you looked you would struggle to find many people with that name who didn't have Jewish lineage.


I do find it very interesting that this man called Jesus fulfilled (scientific discoveries have proven fulfillment) a ridiculous amount of prophesies dating back to 1,000 years before his birth (the probabilities of one man fulfilling even just a small amount of these prophesies are darn near zero)

Say what? I never saw any prophesies relating to scientific discoveries of any kind in the Gospel.


Pretty sure you din't check every nut and bolt on every chair you sat down in today. That, my friend, is fully believing the chair will hold you up without proving it to be true (i.e. faith). Since no religion (atheism included) can be proven 100% true, does that mean we must fully believe there is nothing (which can also not be proven true)? .

You have a point. But still, we're talking about two different things here. There are indeed radical christians and muslims who condemn other people for not believing the same thing they do. This sounds a little stupid, don't you think? But I have a feeling that discussing this aspect of religion might lead to a heated discussion that wouldn't do anyone good.


Bionic Poster
Careful! You are sounding like a leftist now. We should have a thread on how many tennis players accept global warming. don't you think?

Much the same way that other religions, cultures, races, genders, lifestyles, etc. identify with each other. I don't see this as an all consuming issue. It's a curiosity. What I wonder is, what compels some to click on this thread, that they have no apparent interest in, and spew negativity and assume the worst of its motives.


Say what? The name is immediately Jewish-sounding imo. I bet if you looked you would struggle to find many people with that name who didn't have Jewish lineage.

Schwarzman is a German name. I do not know if it's Jewish or not-Jewish, I wouldn't know a Jewish last name if it hit me in the face.
Anyway, all I know is that many German folks who supported the NazionalSozialismus fled to Argentine to seek refugee. That's why I made the connection when I heard of an Argentine with a German last name.


I meant that scientific discoveries have proven many prophecies to have been fulfilled by Jesus.

Meh, you could probably say the same about Nostradamus. Pick and choose stuff, etc. Jesus doesn't speak much in the Bible, though. Most of the things he's quoted as saying are well known and none of them are clear prophesies.
You have a point. But still, we're talking about two different things here. There are indeed radical christians and muslims who condemn other people for not believing the same thing they do. This sounds a little stupid, don't you think? But I have a feeling that discussing this aspect of religion might lead to a heated discussion that wouldn't do anyone good.

While I definitely believe that radical Christians and Muslims are often mislead, I must remind you that these radicals often leave out the biggest attribute of a God; love. What belief system is correct can be left open to debate, but one must be correct (because of the necessity of absolute truth), thus making all others incorrect. I have no desire to engage in heated debates, but aim to have wholesome conversations. Sorry to derail this thread, but I felt a defense for faith was in order.


Hall of Fame

And here's where I - and I bet tons of fellow atheists and agnosts - disagree.
There is NO need for any a bible, a ten commandments, a Koran, or whatever a so-called 'Holy Book' to tell folks that murder, thieving, adultery, or whatever are 'bad' - folks who are able to think for themselves in a decent way know that very well already.

How about, "don't do to others which you wouldn't want to be done to you"? or the likes - in other words - common sense?

Jesus was a pretty cool guy though, have to admit that - I particularly like his "Who is without sin, cast the first stone." :)

OK back on topic, I presume.
Lol, I grew up going to Sunday school (may path has since led me elsewhere), and that whole "do unto others" thing is a Jesus quote. Some say his two commandments superceed the ten (and all the lesser rules like no crustaceans etc).

Jesus replied: “'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Matthew 22:36-40 - “Teacher, which is the greatest - Bible Gateway


While I definitely believe that radical Christians and Muslims are often mislead, I must remind you that these radicals often leave out the biggest attribute of a God; love. What belief system is correct can be left open to debate, but one must be correct (because of the necessity of absolute truth), thus making all others incorrect. I have no desire to engage in heated debates, but aim to have wholesome conversations. Sorry to derail this thread, but I felt a defense for faith was in order.

Completely agree. Ironic how these extremists seem to leave out the very core elements of their own religion:lol:

Yes, I was too harsh and shouldn't have posted the following sentence:
I agree that it's silly to claim to fully believe something that can not be proven to be true.
I merely said that so that I could find some common ground with TheMusicLover, only to eleborate afterwards on the positive sides of religion. But I ended up saying a sentence I don't even agree with, so I shouldn't have said it. And I had a feeling you just wanted to have a friendly discussion, but I was afraid that other people might jump in with a different attitude:wink:


Come on, this is a Tennis forum. Keep religion, politics, sexual orientation, weather, etc. out of it and just stick with Tennis.

Who the f@#$# cares what religion a Tennis player is?


Hall of Fame
Come on, this is a Tennis forum. Keep religion, politics, sexual orientation, weather, etc. out of it and just stick with Tennis.

Who the f@#$# cares what religion a Tennis player is?

Jewish people care who is Jewish. Gay people care who is gay. People are hard wired to be tribal and it's natural to want to know who is in your tribe. If people aren't interested in the topic, they shouldn't pay attention to it :)

And Jewish is an ethnicity, not just a religion.