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Sidetracked in tennis with an injury, hurt by her Belgian critics, misunderstood by her compatriots on the matter of the change in residence to Monaco earlier this year, and the lack of Fed Cup participation. Justine held a heartfelt press conference to clear the air, and express herself.
"I've heard alot of things said about myself on various subjects, and in the end it's quite tiresome, and sad. I'm holding a press conference today to give you my expressions, and impressions. I had hoped things wouldn't arrive to this point, nor would there be a need; but I want people to understand the reasons for my decisions."
With an open heart, and even a touch of emotional quiver to her voice, Justine spoke openly about many topics. The unfortunate forfeit of her well deserved berth to the WTA Championships for the 2nd year in a row, her Fed Cup decisions that have caused national speculation about her patriotism, and the conclusion of the successful partnership with trainer Pat Etcheberry.
The WTA Championships forfeit
"I was set to play the WTA Championships, but my injury has prevented me from training properly. It's healing, but it pushed back my preparations. I am not fit to play, nor ready. I have a difficult time accepting my second consecutive missed opportunity to participate in the WTA Championships. I played very few events this season, but I still qualified, and not many people can do that. The bottom line is that I can't take up the challenge for the tournament, and it's very fustrating."
"I might go to the WTA Championships for goodwill. I have no complaints, there are rules to follow. If a player that qualifies cannot enter, she must pay a fine of $200,000 or $100,000 if there's a medical certificate. There's no problems there, I will also see the official WTA physician too. Players have honoured the regulations, and others have paid the injury fines; the fees are debits. The WTA needs the insurance of certain players, and that's great, but when your injured; you cannot play! I think my honesty in informing them rather early made provisions to find a replacement to take my berth in the tournament very smooth. It's a shame if I have to go to Los Angeles to fill obligations because I'll be losing time that could be used for training, but I will agree, if that's required."
The Injury
"I've been with this hamstring injury for six months, it happened right before Warsaw. It didn't stop me from winning Roland Garros because I had a certain amount of preparation prior to it, assets you might call it; a base. When you're with an injury for six months, it's not possible to work suitably, and to be on the top level as a player. After Wimbledon, I had options, one was to continue playing; which I did. I even took a little rest in the summer, and told myself that I will try to hold on for the rest of the year. But, after Filderstadt, I realized that my footwork and mobility was poor due to this injury. It's very difficult for me, because my greatest quality is my on court mobility. Since August, I could not run, I did not work on my pure speed, my sprints were not there."
"Decisions had to be made, and I had enough of my poor situation. Stop!, Enough! I told myself. It's time to cure, and I think I made the right choice. It's not easy to digest moments like this; but in a few weeks I'll understand why it was smart. Today, it feels like a fresh start, and I can't wait to put this all behind me."
Objective 2006
"I've had alot of minor injuries in my career, but this one is the toughest. It's a difficult one my trainer and doctors tried to prevent. It's a very delicate injury, there's no real medicinal cure for it. I work hard maintaining, and reinforcing the strength of my tendon. It takes time, energy, but I want to give everything to my training because 2006 is my objective."
" There's evolution, nothing exceptional; but positive. It's been three weeks since my last match, but I haven't been inactive. I exercise in the swimming pool, on the bicycle, and on muscle conditioning. But, not on court practice, nor running. I hope to begin my full training in November to prepare for 2006, but you never know what may happen."
"It's not easy to being a top athlete on my level, and dealing with physical set backs for two years; especially at my age. It's easier to accept when in the latter stages of a career. After the health problems I've had last year, I knew 2005 would be difficult, and this would include the usual injuries. My next goal is 2006!"
Morale Reconstruction
"My morale rebuilt itself. I am not in the midst of severe depression, I can reassure you (laughs). My morale was rebuilt bit by bit."
"I wasn't happy a few weeks ago because there were many deterrents. When I had an objective that is so clear, when I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and put in everything in order to arrive there, and a sudden change happened to my concrete plans altering things; it bothered me. I had an incredible season: big emotions, hard moments, and doubts. To have wins, plus another grand slam was such a huge great satisfaction, and I did arrive there. The goal from now on is to play complete seasons of tennis, with a high level of performance from start to finish."
Fed Cup
"I've said that I can't play Fed Cup due to my health precautions, but I may reconsider. If I play, it will be for the single unique goal of giving something back to my Belgian fans, who have given so much to me all these years. But, everyone must understand that I will not make my decision now. I can't consider it until the Australian hardcourt season is over, and gauge my level of health."
"If things go well, there's a good chance I will play Fed Cup in April. If you look at it in perspective, the reasons are evident. I am not trying to disappoint people, and avoid playing in Belgium, that's not the whole truth! In two years, I have scarcely played 15 tournaments, and even those were doubtful. I'm in a precaurious health situation, and I can't force myself, I must be careful. I cannot confirm anything at the present time; but if I do engage in Fed Cup, it will probably be for the entire season. I can understand the disenchantment of people, I have no problems with that, but I don't understand the responses of individuals that claim I disavow my country; now that's a different story!"
"I'm not a rancourous person by nature, but I don't forget things, we know it's in the past. It's a pity, it's sad, but Kim and I are adults. We can be professional, and put that aside to play together."
"Kim could not by-pass winning a grand slam in her career. She's a large player, a champion, and nothing short of it. Quite frankly, I can only congratulate her in the manner which she approached, and imposed herself in the summer tournaments, and finally at the US Open!"
"My most beautiful tennis moment that I have lived is playing at the Olympics last year in Greece. It was a honor to play for Belgium, to wear colors of the country! All those Belgian flags on stage, and the Belgian national anthem. It was something very, very extremely, more extremely, or at least extremely different from what I could experience at a grand slam. I had such great pride representing my country!"
"When people say I disavow my country, it's hurts me because this not at all what I feel! I will one day be happy to return, and live in Belgium. This is a country which has brought me so much, but at the present time, I need my serenity, I need to be somewhere else. I have this feeling that whenever I enter a tennis court, I represent my country. They don't announce Justine Henin of Monaco, but Justine Henin of Belgium. It's the Belgian Justine Henin that people never forget. It's the country deep in my heart. I'm attached to Belgium, and holding it with me!"
The conclusion of the Pat Etcheberry partnership
"It's been a very difficult decision to come to terms with; but my partnership with Pat has arrived to a conclusion. Our partnership has given me so many titles, I really appreciate him, as a great person."
"We did really
significant work together, in particular he gave me a strong mentality. It's necessary, yet not simple, but I had to make the choice. I was getting increasingly fatigued travelling back and forth between Florida to Europe. I found myself staying longer, and longer away from my home; far too long. I made this decision alone, it's my choice. I had a difficult time discussing it. He's someone for whom I have enormous high regards for, as a great man. Pat is someone that I speak about with much emotions. I have such respect for him, and his lessons of courage which have an iron mentality. This year he gave me so much courage, I can only tell him one thing, and that is; thank you!"
"From now on I will work with Eddy Cupyers, and Marc Franco of the UCL. I'm really excited because they can offer me alot. One is more about the physical aspects, and the other is theoretical. I have the solid bases covered, we can sharpen those skills, and work a little bit more intelligently. They're really motivated, and at present time, everything is great!"
"It's not easy to have work, to be happy when you are missing something. It's not easy to experience the loss of a loved one when you're a child; you become sensitive. Sometimes, I thought that losing my mother at such a young age would help me put things in perspective on court, but that's not the case, indeed. I think I used tennis to fill a void lacking all this time. My happiness on court was a little revenge on life. I felt the injustices, I was hurt that life has not been fair to me. This is not easy to talk about. I am not someone that is immune to hard blows, simply because I've taken them before a long time ago".
"I've heard alot of things said about myself on various subjects, and in the end it's quite tiresome, and sad. I'm holding a press conference today to give you my expressions, and impressions. I had hoped things wouldn't arrive to this point, nor would there be a need; but I want people to understand the reasons for my decisions."
With an open heart, and even a touch of emotional quiver to her voice, Justine spoke openly about many topics. The unfortunate forfeit of her well deserved berth to the WTA Championships for the 2nd year in a row, her Fed Cup decisions that have caused national speculation about her patriotism, and the conclusion of the successful partnership with trainer Pat Etcheberry.
The WTA Championships forfeit
"I was set to play the WTA Championships, but my injury has prevented me from training properly. It's healing, but it pushed back my preparations. I am not fit to play, nor ready. I have a difficult time accepting my second consecutive missed opportunity to participate in the WTA Championships. I played very few events this season, but I still qualified, and not many people can do that. The bottom line is that I can't take up the challenge for the tournament, and it's very fustrating."
"I might go to the WTA Championships for goodwill. I have no complaints, there are rules to follow. If a player that qualifies cannot enter, she must pay a fine of $200,000 or $100,000 if there's a medical certificate. There's no problems there, I will also see the official WTA physician too. Players have honoured the regulations, and others have paid the injury fines; the fees are debits. The WTA needs the insurance of certain players, and that's great, but when your injured; you cannot play! I think my honesty in informing them rather early made provisions to find a replacement to take my berth in the tournament very smooth. It's a shame if I have to go to Los Angeles to fill obligations because I'll be losing time that could be used for training, but I will agree, if that's required."
The Injury
"I've been with this hamstring injury for six months, it happened right before Warsaw. It didn't stop me from winning Roland Garros because I had a certain amount of preparation prior to it, assets you might call it; a base. When you're with an injury for six months, it's not possible to work suitably, and to be on the top level as a player. After Wimbledon, I had options, one was to continue playing; which I did. I even took a little rest in the summer, and told myself that I will try to hold on for the rest of the year. But, after Filderstadt, I realized that my footwork and mobility was poor due to this injury. It's very difficult for me, because my greatest quality is my on court mobility. Since August, I could not run, I did not work on my pure speed, my sprints were not there."
"Decisions had to be made, and I had enough of my poor situation. Stop!, Enough! I told myself. It's time to cure, and I think I made the right choice. It's not easy to digest moments like this; but in a few weeks I'll understand why it was smart. Today, it feels like a fresh start, and I can't wait to put this all behind me."
Objective 2006
"I've had alot of minor injuries in my career, but this one is the toughest. It's a difficult one my trainer and doctors tried to prevent. It's a very delicate injury, there's no real medicinal cure for it. I work hard maintaining, and reinforcing the strength of my tendon. It takes time, energy, but I want to give everything to my training because 2006 is my objective."
" There's evolution, nothing exceptional; but positive. It's been three weeks since my last match, but I haven't been inactive. I exercise in the swimming pool, on the bicycle, and on muscle conditioning. But, not on court practice, nor running. I hope to begin my full training in November to prepare for 2006, but you never know what may happen."
"It's not easy to being a top athlete on my level, and dealing with physical set backs for two years; especially at my age. It's easier to accept when in the latter stages of a career. After the health problems I've had last year, I knew 2005 would be difficult, and this would include the usual injuries. My next goal is 2006!"
Morale Reconstruction
"My morale rebuilt itself. I am not in the midst of severe depression, I can reassure you (laughs). My morale was rebuilt bit by bit."
"I wasn't happy a few weeks ago because there were many deterrents. When I had an objective that is so clear, when I knew exactly where I wanted to go, and put in everything in order to arrive there, and a sudden change happened to my concrete plans altering things; it bothered me. I had an incredible season: big emotions, hard moments, and doubts. To have wins, plus another grand slam was such a huge great satisfaction, and I did arrive there. The goal from now on is to play complete seasons of tennis, with a high level of performance from start to finish."
Fed Cup
"I've said that I can't play Fed Cup due to my health precautions, but I may reconsider. If I play, it will be for the single unique goal of giving something back to my Belgian fans, who have given so much to me all these years. But, everyone must understand that I will not make my decision now. I can't consider it until the Australian hardcourt season is over, and gauge my level of health."
"If things go well, there's a good chance I will play Fed Cup in April. If you look at it in perspective, the reasons are evident. I am not trying to disappoint people, and avoid playing in Belgium, that's not the whole truth! In two years, I have scarcely played 15 tournaments, and even those were doubtful. I'm in a precaurious health situation, and I can't force myself, I must be careful. I cannot confirm anything at the present time; but if I do engage in Fed Cup, it will probably be for the entire season. I can understand the disenchantment of people, I have no problems with that, but I don't understand the responses of individuals that claim I disavow my country; now that's a different story!"
"I'm not a rancourous person by nature, but I don't forget things, we know it's in the past. It's a pity, it's sad, but Kim and I are adults. We can be professional, and put that aside to play together."
"Kim could not by-pass winning a grand slam in her career. She's a large player, a champion, and nothing short of it. Quite frankly, I can only congratulate her in the manner which she approached, and imposed herself in the summer tournaments, and finally at the US Open!"
"My most beautiful tennis moment that I have lived is playing at the Olympics last year in Greece. It was a honor to play for Belgium, to wear colors of the country! All those Belgian flags on stage, and the Belgian national anthem. It was something very, very extremely, more extremely, or at least extremely different from what I could experience at a grand slam. I had such great pride representing my country!"
"When people say I disavow my country, it's hurts me because this not at all what I feel! I will one day be happy to return, and live in Belgium. This is a country which has brought me so much, but at the present time, I need my serenity, I need to be somewhere else. I have this feeling that whenever I enter a tennis court, I represent my country. They don't announce Justine Henin of Monaco, but Justine Henin of Belgium. It's the Belgian Justine Henin that people never forget. It's the country deep in my heart. I'm attached to Belgium, and holding it with me!"
The conclusion of the Pat Etcheberry partnership
"It's been a very difficult decision to come to terms with; but my partnership with Pat has arrived to a conclusion. Our partnership has given me so many titles, I really appreciate him, as a great person."
"We did really
significant work together, in particular he gave me a strong mentality. It's necessary, yet not simple, but I had to make the choice. I was getting increasingly fatigued travelling back and forth between Florida to Europe. I found myself staying longer, and longer away from my home; far too long. I made this decision alone, it's my choice. I had a difficult time discussing it. He's someone for whom I have enormous high regards for, as a great man. Pat is someone that I speak about with much emotions. I have such respect for him, and his lessons of courage which have an iron mentality. This year he gave me so much courage, I can only tell him one thing, and that is; thank you!"
"From now on I will work with Eddy Cupyers, and Marc Franco of the UCL. I'm really excited because they can offer me alot. One is more about the physical aspects, and the other is theoretical. I have the solid bases covered, we can sharpen those skills, and work a little bit more intelligently. They're really motivated, and at present time, everything is great!"
"It's not easy to have work, to be happy when you are missing something. It's not easy to experience the loss of a loved one when you're a child; you become sensitive. Sometimes, I thought that losing my mother at such a young age would help me put things in perspective on court, but that's not the case, indeed. I think I used tennis to fill a void lacking all this time. My happiness on court was a little revenge on life. I felt the injustices, I was hurt that life has not been fair to me. This is not easy to talk about. I am not someone that is immune to hard blows, simply because I've taken them before a long time ago".