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Head Microgel Prestige Midplus
This one overall is pretty similar to the Prestige Pro in my opinion. Just a few differences in play that set this appart. I tried this racquet out for about 3 weeks while I was trying to decide between the MP and the Pro. I have tried it strung with full Poly, Prince Recoil, and Wilson Sensation. I had this one in a 4 and 3/8 grip
To begin I will give groundstrokes a 9/10 rating with this frame. I found this to be a very comfortable racquet from both sides. I feel the 18x20 string pattern on this frame made the frame feel a little stiffer, and firm when the ball met the strings. This gave me a little moer control than I was getting with the Pro. My forehand I was still comfortable generating both pace and topspin. Spin potential was not as extreme as the Pro, but it was still accessible. The frame still felt comfortable on shots that I hit a bit off-center. I did notice I had a little trouble keeping the ball deep in the court. Kind of like with the MG Radical Pro, I found myself thinking about it a little more on my groundstrokes. I had to put just a little more “umph” on my forehand / backhand to get the depth that was just naturally there with the Pro. My backhand did feel very solid with this racquet. My backhand is a little more flat naturally than my forehand, so I really felt I could win up and just let loose with this one. The 18x20 wasn’t trying to force any extra spin on me, and this really felt nice when I wanted to just rip a passing shot up the line on somebody. I could not get as extreme on my short angle passing shots as I could with the pro, but I could still hit them for sure. The headsize is the same as the pro, so it’s a good size for freeswinging and playing defense. The lighter weight really Is not that noticeable to me while playing or just holding it in my hand either.
With a more control-oriented feeling on this frame, I really enjoyed hitting my serve returns with this racquet. I do like the forgiving nature of this frame, and it comes in handy on off-center shots. Not as much natural depth on my return as I had with the Pro, but it was still comfortable. There is good access to power with this frame, so if you really want to just rip shots off the return you are able to, but this 98 sq. inch head is very easy to maneuver on defesnive, or chip shot returns… surprisingly good.
Volleys I will give an 8/10 to begin with. The firm, control response this racquet provided me made this a great racquet at the net. Did not feel more / less maneuverable than the Pro, but the 18x20 string pattern really gave volleys that solid, crisp feeling when one was struck nicely. I was able to drive the ball deep in the court, or put them away short angle or drop volley very easily. I was able to volley just the same as I was the Pro, but the string-pattern just gave it a little better feeling at the net I think, but the Mid is for sure the greatest volleying frame that Head makes. One thing I did notice was that I haven’t been hitting as many volleys during play as I do with my k6.1 95, as I am finishing a lot of short balls off for winners, or opening the court up so much I really only have to hit 1 volley. I love that about this line of Prestige racquets.
Serves I will give a 7.5 or 8/10. This is a great frame for serve. I found a generous amount of power on my serves, maybe even a little more than previous Prestige models, even though the frame has a more dampened control feel. I felt moe comfortable serving with this frame than I did with the Mid, but not as comfortable as I do with the Pro. I found it easier to flatten out my serve, and really bomb it for some aces. Good access to spin gave my slice good bite, but my kick serve was not jumping nearly as high, as I am achieving with the Pro version. As I have stated in the other portions of this review, the control in this racquet is unbelievable. I have more confidence serving with the Prestige line than I do with my k6.1 95 which after my customizations is a great serving frame. I prefer this 18x20 racquet more than my 18x20 k6.1 95 across the board for what that’s worth.
Overall I will rate this frame an 8.5/10. It is right there with the Pro version to be honest. I did not notice a whole lot of difference in the two frames. This one felt a little more solid at impact, and generated a little less spin. If you are a flat ball hitter, you will like this frame better. If you have hit the Pro, and want one that feels a little less lively, try this one out definitely. I did have a little more trouble with depth with this frame, but not a big issue at all. This racquet is up around top of its class in all areas. A great addition to the Prestige line, and I definitely feel this one is better than the FXP Prestige MP and the LM Prestige MP