KBlade Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had the opportunity to hit with both the Kblade tour and the Kblade 98 yesterday. In my opinion, Wilson made a mistake with the tour but the Kblade 98 plays very similar to the original Nblade. What the tour was missing was weight and stability. With a 93sq inch headsize you really need something over the
12 oz range. I felt like the tour was flimsy and lacked a solid feel. The racket lacked overall feel and wasn't very impressive at all. The 98 was just like the Nblade. Lots of power so i recommend stringing it at 55+. In my opinion, unless your ready for the K6.1 tour, keep away from what Wilson has to offer for now.


New User
nice review. but can i just ask, how you got to play with them? did you demo from somewhere, some shop or something?

jelle v

Hall of Fame
Did you notice the difference in swingweight? As I recall the nBlade has a swingweight of 332 en the kBlade has swingweight of 326 (?).

Also, could you notice that the kBlade has a flex-rating of 64, where the nBlade has a rating of 59?

The swingweight of the nBlade is just a little too heavy for me, while the flex of the nBlade is a little too soft for my liking. In the beginnen I liked it very much but after a year of playing, it sort of started to irritate me sometimes. So on paper, the kBlade is a perfect new version of the nBlade for me.
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jelle v

Hall of Fame
the nblade feels light as a feather! Dude hit the gym

Static weight is not so heavy, I know, but I the nBlade has a pretty high swingweight with it's swingweight of 332. I like it to be more in the range of 320's. The swingweight of nBlade is just a tiny bit too much for my liking. :-|


Had the opportunity to hit with both the Kblade tour and the Kblade 98 yesterday. In my opinion, Wilson made a mistake with the tour but the Kblade 98 plays very similar to the original Nblade. What the tour was missing was weight and stability. With a 93sq inch headsize you really need something over the
12 oz range. I felt like the tour was flimsy and lacked a solid feel. The racket lacked overall feel and wasn't very impressive at all. The 98 was just like the Nblade. Lots of power so i recommend stringing it at 55+. In my opinion, unless your ready for the K6.1 tour, keep away from what Wilson has to offer for now.

Knight Terrence Kuo III: Does the KBlade 98 play better than the cracked Babolat Pure Drive Plus Cortex frame you sent me? http://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/showthread.php?t=173453