I have both the MicroGel Prestige Pro and KBlade Tour.
I just recently got the KBlade Tour today and had around 3 hours of hitting time with it.
Here are my thoughts..
MicroGel Prestige Pro
I seem to get better spin potential and more power with this racquet, mostly because of the string bed and the larger headsize (98sq. in.) compared to the smaller and more denser string bed of the KBlade Tour.
Control in this racquet is great but spin is key to keep the ball in.
I found the serves to be good with the MGPP, the spin potential was great and the amount of power I can get is also nice. I am able to get consistent serves.
The dislikes I have about the MGPP is the volleys and slices, I don't get much feel with it.
I seemed to be able to maneuver this racquet more though.
KBlade Tour
I liked this one, really liked it. With the smaller headsize I was able to get more pop and generate my own power while using less spin.
My shots were definitely more consistent.
I never tried a headsize smaller than 98sq. in. but the 93sq. in. KBlade Tour played amazingly great. Forehands and Backhands were exceptional.
What surprised me the most was the serves, nice flat serves were faster than the MGPP and the spin serves were also great.
At the net it was great, I was able to put the volleys away and get really good angles.
This racquet I felt was less maneuverable than the MGPP but I had no problem with it.
If I could choose one of these racquets I would go for the KBlade Tour, I have only been hitting with it for around 3 hours but the feel and control/power I get with it is just amazing.
Maybe it was the strings? Since I had 2 different ones.