Bobby, there are limits to our imagination as historians, we should respect proper historical methodology. We have no authority to reshape history according to our personal desires.
I hold degrees in both economics and history, and in our studies, we were not allowed to reinvent the past.
Dan, You are the most illogical poster in this forum (Former PPT). Even my friend Limpinhitter cannot cope with you in this department. And you are one of the most stubborn ones, along with Limpin and a few others. I never saw a post of yourself where you concede at least a little bit that you were wrong in a point. That means you are ALWAYS right.That's unique!! But I stress that you very seldom are nasty, unlike to some other posters here. I just remember your nasty distorting of one of my posts regarding US Pro 1944 and your lie about McCauley/Cleveland/US Pro.
The most annoying thing was that you claimed McCauley did not use the term "US Pro" for the Cleveland event even though I had informed you several times that Joe has written that term on several pages in his marvellous book. You still wrote that nonsense even though I had given you the numbers of the deciding pages!!!! At that time I even hated you, and not much has changed since as your new posts testify...
I have a request: Please don't reply to this post because I fear that you again would write wrong things and I could be tempted to insult you. You know: danger to be banned again...