Khachanov's whistling serve


Yes, I'd read that in a thread before posting this question, thanks @aus89. But does that make a sonic whistling sound? And if not, what's making it? Have you heard it too?


Hall of Fame
...what's making it?
Hard to say. Whenever I use the Prestige MP my FH's make a whisteling sound through the air (not comparing...just noting). It's the only stroke that it happens on and I have no idea what causes it.


Yeah, they say it's the CAP grommets that can cause 'Prestige-whistle,' @mtommer. I have a couple Tours and one of them does it. But Khachanov's serve sounds more like a slide whistle than a whispering Prestige. And I hear it on every single serve but never on groundies, not even on overheads. Hmm...

I don't remember hearing this sound when he played the H22. So maybe it's a Blade 98 thing? But on every single frame?


Hall of Fame
Yeah, they say it's the CAP grommets that can cause 'Prestige-whistle,' @mtommer. I have a couple Tours and one of them does it. But Khachanov's serve sounds more like a slide whistle than a whispering Prestige. And I hear it on every single serve but never on groundies, not even on overheads. Hmm...

I don't remember hearing this sound when he played the H22. So maybe it's a Blade 98 thing? But on every single frame?
i just started playing with the kimony dampener today and it makes a different sound than regular dampeners but didnt hear a whistle by any means, but its possible the little dicky in the centre that moves freely makes some noise through the air at Khachanov speeds


The only hypothesis as I've heard so far, @aus89! For those wondering what we're talking about, watch these time stamps in this vid-- all Khachanov serves--and you'll hear it every single time (even as the last one is more faint): 0:00, 0:08, 0:54 and 2:01:



The only hypothesis as I've heard so far, @aus89! For those wondering what we're talking about, watch these time stamps in this vid-- all Khachanov serves--and you'll hear it every single time (even as the last one is more faint): 0:00, 0:08, 0:54 and 2:01:

It’s his inhale before his grunt…or maybe a smaller exhale before his big grunt. Tough to tell for sure


Hall of Fame
yeah Murray makes a similar, but louder exertion noise when he serves - definitely not the dampener or anything like that i think from those timestamps you mention


Wow! I think you guys might be right, @colan5934 and @aus89! I can hear it. That it happens right before contact suggests an exhalation through pursed lips. I mean his lips would have to be pursed. I just tested it myself and can't make that sound any other way. That's a strange way to exhale. I have to positively will my lips to purse at such a moment, which makes me wonder if he's maybe trying to do it?


Interesting, @Bambooman. I've never heard it before. I've heard racquets whistle, but they were always high pitched squeaks, almost, that obviously came from crevices in the frame or string tie-offs.


