kick serve

can anybody post a well-above-descent kick serve video cause ive been struggling with getting the kick. i get the loop effect on my serve but to only get a horrible kick. it will bounce in the returner's strike zone. i use an eastern but to no avail. any tips or vids would be awesome. i try to toss it a frog hair in front of me on my second serve but i still get the desired kick. i toss it kinda by my head almost 12 o' clock.


can anybody post a well-above-descent kick serve video cause ive been struggling with getting the kick. i get the loop effect on my serve but to only get a horrible kick. it will bounce in the returner's strike zone. i use an eastern but to no avail. any tips or vids would be awesome. i try to toss it a frog hair in front of me on my second serve but i still get the desired kick. i toss it kinda by my head almost 12 o' clock.

when you say you use eastern is that EFH or EBH? there is a big difference
eastern backhand. but i pronate using this grip, making it look like a continental grip, to get the desired spin while i make desired contact