Kirschbaum Spiky Shark 1.25 Review


Just saving the space for the review, I have yet to hit with it and have just strung it up in my AG100. Will be back later with results :)


Okay, review time. This is probably going to be the shortest review in Talk Tennis history because there aren't many things to say about this string. I considered not even breaking it down by stroke, but I guess since that's how it's done, I'll do it that way starting with my favorites. Everything is based out of 10 compared to my go-to string, WeissCannon Silverstring, which has a 10/10 score for reference.

Serves: 9/10
This is a fantastic string for big servers, and especially those who hit slice, topspin and kick serves properly. If you use a topspin second serve, the only way that you'll ever double fault using this string is due to something you did, not the racquet. It feels incredibly soft and even without a rubber band, doesn't "ping" very loudly. Excellent.

Volleys: 8/10
Much like with the serves, this string really isn't made to improve your volleying ability, but it has the softness that you need to get incredible feel and directionality.

Groundstrokes: 15/10
This is going to be the shortest part of the review and it goes like this: if you employ any of the following either alone or in conjunction with any other, then the conclusion thereafter applies to you:

1. Semi-western forehand grip
2. Western forehand grip
3. Windshield wiper finish
4. Eastern or more extreme 1HBH grip
5. Low-high 2HBH

If you use any of the above, then there is only one thing to say: you cannot hit the ball out. If you string this properly at the correct tension, this string generates so much spin that if you TRY to hit it long or wide, that extra pace you tried to put in is just going to be generating more spin and making it drop in.

I did not have a single unforced error on my groundstrokes due to hitting long or wide. I have been playing tennis since the 5th grade and that has NEVER happened, and I mean ever. I know it was the string and not my stroke technique because I had an identical frame strung with Silverstring and another strung with MSV Hex and both make great spin, but not even in the same league as Spiky Shark. Into the net is another business altogether, but that's just due to you and not the racquet having enough pop.

So it's like this: if you can supply a swing path that generates topspin, you will NOT believe your eyes when you start cracking at the ball. If you want to flatten out your shots, go right ahead because the string then just plays like a soft poly and gives you the feel you need to determine just how much pace to put on the ball. Again, TRY to hit the ball long using your normal stroke. Don't flatten it out because that will obviously make the ball fly, but if you have a topspin generating stroke, you can't miss.

If you use a slice backhand, this can either be your best friend, or your worst nightmare. This allows you to create so much backspin that if you use your normal stroke, it will probably fly lower than you're used to and might go into the net. I found that out the hard way. If you put more pace behind it and step into the slice, the ball skids like you're playing on ice.

If you think that Blue Gear or MSV Hex or Black Code or ALU rough or any of the other top spin strings generate good spin, you will not believe your eyes when you use this stuff. It's that good.

I am a player that loves spin polys. Absolutely love them. I own reels of MSV Hex, Black Code, Blue Gear, Signum Pro Hextreme and Polystar Turbo. I've played with PHT, ALU Rough and Isospeed Pyramid. For spin production, none come close to Spiky Shark. I guess there's a reason why it's rated as the #1 spin producing string on that one forum that talks about strings only ;)

I have a reel of WeissCannon Turbotwist that I will be stringing up tomorrow and will report in a separate thread about it, but as of now, I honestly don't believe there is a better spin string that money can buy, and looking at it now, it appears that I'm not alone in my consensus.


Nice review...I have a set of this stuff lying around that a friend gave me so might try it now. What tension did you string it at?

Would also be nice to have a follow up in a few days to see how the tension has held up.
Spiky Shark is my string of choice for the mains. I have tried many strings but I settled on the Spiky Shark, good feel and love the spin it produces.

PV, did you use a full bed or did you just do the mains?


Nice review...I have a set of this stuff lying around that a friend gave me so might try it now. What tension did you string it at?

Would also be nice to have a follow up in a few days to see how the tension has held up.
60/60 like I string all my polys. Doesn't even feel harsh in the slightest. If the Turbotwist isn't a better all around string, then I don't see myself using Silverstring again.

A note to stringers, however. If you've never strung a true textured string aka not strings that are shaped (MSV Hex, Black Code, etc.) but actually have protrusions, you'll probably find it difficult. If you've strung anything like Blue Gear, then it's about the same. The last cross is pretty tough. I'm not even going to pretend that it isn't.


Spiky Shark is my string of choice for the mains. I have tried many strings but I settled on the Spiky Shark, good feel and love the spin it produces.

PV, did you use a full bed or did you just do the mains?
Full bed. I only use full poly stringbeds since I don't use harsh polys that require a soft cross.

Oh, racquet used is Dunlop AG100 in case I forgot to mention that. Just imagine what would happen if you put this in a Babolat APD :shock:


Hall of Fame
i just played with an Fischer M Pro number one(red and sliver version) strung with Kirschbaum SS 17g - i have to agree with the OP on the groundstrokes. It was almost impossible to hit groundstrokes out - it creates lots of spin especially on my crosscourt forehand and was able to keep most of the shots in which i wont be able to do so most of the time. somehow the spin will allow the ball to dip just before it goes over the baseline.

After playing a good 2 sets with it, i switched over to the M Comp strung with Cyberblue and straightaway my shots went haywire. The Cyberblue was able to create the spin but the balls were been overhit much more than with the SS 17g.

There was also better responsiveness on the SS 17g and a better pocketing feel, the cyberblue still has a bit more spin but it was muted in feel.

both racquets are strung with poly in the mains and gosen sheep micro17 in the crosses.

so far i have a very positive feel about the SS string. i may tried it out on another racquet and make it my main poly string :)


i just played with an Fischer M Pro number one(red and sliver version) strung with Kirschbaum SS 17g - i have to agree with the OP on the groundstrokes. It was almost impossible to hit groundstrokes out - it creates lots of spin especially on my crosscourt forehand and was able to keep most of the shots in which i wont be able to do so most of the time. somehow the spin will allow the ball to dip just before it goes over the baseline.

After playing a good 2 sets with it, i switched over to the M Comp strung with Cyberblue and straightaway my shots went haywire. The Cyberblue was able to create the spin but the balls were been overhit much more than with the SS 17g.

There was also better responsiveness on the SS 17g and a better pocketing feel, the cyberblue still has a bit more spin but it was muted in feel.

both racquets are strung with poly in the mains and gosen sheep micro17 in the crosses.

so far i have a very positive feel about the SS string. i may tried it out on another racquet and make it my main poly string :)
:lol: It's so true. I hit this ridiculous reverse forehand lob and was certain it was out. I mean, this thing was sailing so high that my practice partner just picked up a ball at the net and turned to go start ralling again...then it landed smack on the line. He goes, "how the FUC* did you do that?" :shock:


Hall of Fame
very nice review! I know you mentioned that this string would work well for those who use a great deal of spin,and some flat strokes. But what about a person who lets say likes the redcode or hyperion with NRG2 crosses since theyre both more of flat strings would you reccomend this string to those types of people/me? :p


Hall of Fame
very nice review! I know you mentioned that this string would work well for those who use a great deal of spin,and some flat strokes. But what about a person who lets say likes the redcode or hyperion with NRG2 crosses since theyre both more of flat strings would you reccomend this string to those types of people/me? :p

yeah, pvaudio has done a very nice review of this string. just playing 2 sets on it have me raving over its capabilities. I'm mostly a flat hitter who imparts little spin on my forehand and even flatter on my backhand side. Its working for me so far. :)


Hall of Fame
:lol: It's so true. I hit this ridiculous reverse forehand lob and was certain it was out. I mean, this thing was sailing so high that my practice partner just picked up a ball at the net and turned to go start ralling again...then it landed smack on the line. He goes, "how the FUC* did you do that?" :shock:

yeah i was surprised in many of my shots as well - some of them which will usually sail long was able to land just within the line, imparting a little spin is the trick to achieving it.


Hall of Fame
yeah, pvaudio has done a very nice review of this string. just playing 2 sets on it have me raving over its capabilities. I'm mostly a flat hitter who imparts little spin on my forehand and even flatter on my backhand side. Its working for me so far. :)

Haha so you play the exact same way as me, i guess ill give this string a try then i trust pav.


the link is sold out. I would bet this would be good hybrid with a gut cross string. pv, have you had any luck with your shoulder angle, knee bend serving? Do you think the spiky shark would hybrid well with global gut as a cross? Also, for me, the nubs wear off within 10-20 min, and the spin disappears with hex/textured strings like msv hex. I also found the tension loss of hex to be bad, as all lux string also is bad.
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Hall of Fame
Google around. There are sites that have them on stock.
'Let me be sure. are we looking for Kirschbaum Spiky Shark 1.25?

Is this a new string or what?. Some 'reputed' sites (such as depot) are selling for 12$


the link is sold out. I would bet this would be good hybrid with a gut cross string. pv, have you had any luck with your shoulder angle, knee bend serving? Do you think the spiky shark would hybrid well with global gut as a cross? Also, for me, the nubs wear off within 10-20 min, and the spin disappears with hex/textured strings like msv hex. I also found the tension loss of hex to be bad, as all lux string also is bad.
Tonight will be the first night since I last made a video, and I now have a high speed and HD camera so you guys can get really nitty-gritty with your critique :shock:


Google around. There are sites that have them on stock.
'Let me be sure. are we looking for Kirschbaum Spiky Shark 1.25?

Is this a new string or what?. Some 'reputed' sites (such as depot) are selling for 12$
It's not new in the slightest. Turbotwist is fairly new, and I had to order a reel of it from the UK since I couldn't find a US distributor of the 1.18 gauge reel.


Hall of Fame
Haha so you play the exact same way as me, i guess ill give this string a try then i trust pav.

haha, yeah. i'm very interested to hear from a player with a similar style who will be using the same strings! please post your comments when you try it. :)

BTW i didnt string full poly. i used it as the mains with Gosen OG sheep17 in the cross.

I just played with the strings again last night for 2 hours. Really impressive in terms of being able to keep the ball in play for diagonal groundstokes. my slices and volleys were also better than i'm usually able to achieve with other strings setup.


Hall of Fame
unfortunately its sold out. Wanted to get the multi-pack but now even the single pack is also out of stock.


Hall of Fame
Ive been thinking of getting some, should I get the16 or 17 gauge? What produces more spin? Would it be the 16 since more string is touching the ball?


Hall of Fame
I have a set of this, but am currently using SPPP which is going well, i take it they are totally different strings?


60/60 like I string all my polys. Doesn't even feel harsh in the slightest. If the Turbotwist isn't a better all around string, then I don't see myself using Silverstring again.

60/60 for AG100 full set of poly I coudn't imagine how harsh it's going to be... For 90 Sq. I fear to go over 58 however, thank you for the review I will give it a try


New User
is it completely sold out everywhere right now? anyone know how i can get my hands on it sooner before they restock? really want this asap


60/60 like I string all my polys. Doesn't even feel harsh in the slightest. If the Turbotwist isn't a better all around string, then I don't see myself using Silverstring again.

60/60 for AG100 full set of poly I coudn't imagine how harsh it's going to be... For 90 Sq. I fear to go over 58 however, thank you for the review I will give it a try
Clearly you haven't used it. It's soft as butter.


Hall of Fame
i'm going to string this on my Adidas Barricade Tour as a hybrid again with Gosen Sheep in the crosses. Will feedback on its performance when i hit this friday.


Hall of Fame
played the strings again - these time on my 'new' adidas barricade racquet.

Still as impressive as ever in keeping the ball in play, most of the shots which will usually go long just landed within the line.

Again, imparting a little spin is the trick to keeping it in.

will be looking out for the tension next.


Hall of Fame
I have been using Spiky Shark recently quite a bit and am on the verge of switching from BC to this. I find it has great control, nice power when necessary, and gives just a bit more spin than many other poly's. It is a somewhat stiff poly but I do prefer stiff poly (Luxilon exluded, I hate it) so some may not like the stiffness.

Tension maintenance is not as good as some others but I like to restring after about 4 hours anyway so not a big deal to me.

I find Spiky Shark to be better than SPPP and all of the Luxilons.


I just tried it. Not as much spin as msv hex 1.10 or 1.18mm, even in the apd non cortex stick. (Put silicone in the handle 30g, and lead on the top of the hoop, up to 370g) I was hoping for more spin. Found more spin with global gut at lower tensions and sppp cross in a similar stick at 365g. Crossed the spiky shark with alu. Maybe better spin in a full job.


Hall of Fame
I have been using Spiky Shark recently quite a bit and am on the verge of switching from BC to this. I find it has great control, nice power when necessary, and gives just a bit more spin than many other poly's. It is a somewhat stiff poly but I do prefer stiff poly (Luxilon exluded, I hate it) so some may not like the stiffness.

Tension maintenance is not as good as some others but I like to restring after about 4 hours anyway so not a big deal to me.

I find Spiky Shark to be better than SPPP and all of the Luxilons.

did you use a hybrid on your Spiky Shark?


I just had a bad experience with this string. I strung it up at 58 lbs on my k6.1 tour, (full bed of poly) when down to the courts and within 5 mins, my strung snapped near the throat of the racket,while hitting a forehand...... I was saying to myself "wth....!?!!&%&%(%!!"

I then remembered some people mentioning on other forums then some poly's are prone to snapping if you hit near the frame, I guess this string qualifies then :-/ .I then switched to my usual string Pro Signum Tornado and so far no problems......

I am still thinking about trying this string but if I have to fork up $$$ on the string and labor,and have it die on me, within an hour....I'll pass.


I just tried it. Not as much spin as msv hex 1.10 or 1.18mm, even in the apd non cortex stick. (Put silicone in the handle 30g, and lead on the top of the hoop, up to 370g) I was hoping for more spin. Found more spin with global gut at lower tensions and sppp cross in a similar stick at 365g. Crossed the spiky shark with alu. Maybe better spin in a full job.
You sure you got the spiky kind? Hex doesn't come even close as far as spin goes.


I recommned if your playing with a 18x20 string pattern, use the 17g, and if your using 16xetc. use the 16g. I was using 16g in a 18x20 and did not like it nearly as much as the 17g.


I haven't played any Solinco strings, so I can't give you a comparison.

Ptrac, I've only got the 17g and I use it in a 16x19 and my sister loves it in her 18x20.


I've just strung Spiky Shark for one of my clients who wanted a "yellow string" for his APD, I'd been sent two free sets to trial the day before so just happened to have it lying around. He hit for 5 minutes with it and quickly grabbed his other APD to be done the same - he loved it instantly! I may have to buy a few sets to keep around!



Spiky Shark comes in a 39 ft individual pack. Are you able to get two sets of mains out of the pack if you string on a racquet which says it needs 20 feet for the mains. If not then I would have 19 feet left with nothing to do with unless someone can recommend a hybrid that would use it in the crosses.


Hall of Fame
Spiky Shark comes in a 39 ft individual pack. Are you able to get two sets of mains out of the pack if you string on a racquet which says it needs 20 feet for the mains. If not then I would have 19 feet left with nothing to do with unless someone can recommend a hybrid that would use it in the crosses.

how about stringing it in a smaller headsize racquet mains? i understand they would require shorter length than say a 110sq inch racquet.


Hall of Fame
Just got it strung up at 60/62 1.25 in my vantage 95. Im normally stringing at like 64/65 SPPP 1.18 and this feels quite loose which i didnt expect from the thicker guage.
The spin is amazing, maybe too much sometimes! Felt so i control like i could never hit it long. Did find myself hitting a few more into the net, but i would probably blame my technique over the string!


SS vs Tornado?

I like the sound of this... Can anybody compare Spiky Shark with Signum Pro Tornado? How do these stings differ?


I like the sound of this... Can anybody compare Spiky Shark with Signum Pro Tornado? How do these stings differ?
Never played with Tornado. I was hoping to compare it to Genesis Typhoon, but I mistakenly strung it in my frame with the broken throat so I couldn't properly play test it :evil: