Kneissl Official info

  • Thread starter Deleted member 495229
  • Start date

Deleted member 495229

My name is Michael Valek, and this is a thread for anyone who is interested in official info and news on Kneissl products. Similar to the Babolat official thread which exists, I work for Kneissl over in the UK and have received TW approval to start this thread. Some of you will have contacted me previously for info on the company and on rackets and seen my posts and reviews etc, if you now wish to do so, please email me or post questions in this thread.
Of course I dont gave every answer to hand but will do my best to answer your questions. Also i'm happy to answer questions about my gear / playing level too!
thank you


Welcome Michael...
Glad to see that Kneissl has some life to it...
One of my all time favorate is the Redstar...
27.5 - 98' headsize, 315 grams, adjustable capped gromments...
Didnt get much better than that..
Perhaps a rebirth???


More of an observation than anything, but when I try to navigate to the tennis section of the Kneissel site I get 'page not found' errors.

I'm wondering if this is because the section is currently under development for a re-vamped tennis division, or is it just an issue with the server?
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New User
Wow! thanks for starting this thread. Big fan of Kneissl but haven't used them since my junior days. Quick question, i'll be travelling to Italy in September and i'm wondering what my chances are of picking up some sticks while I'm there. thanks

Deleted member 495229

thanks for your replies so far:
some answers -
on the redstar - we are going to be discussing new range of rackets in the next few weeks, so all feedback is welcome. closest (in terms of being extended) is white star pro, nearly 28 inches. am using that myself.

website - its a work in progress. things are getting added all the time!

Italy - email me and i will hook you up

USA availability is being worked on currently!!

keep them coming guys.

Kevin T

Hall of Fame
thanks for your replies so far:
some answers -
on the redstar - we are going to be discussing new range of rackets in the next few weeks, so all feedback is welcome. closest (in terms of being extended) is white star pro, nearly 28 inches. am using that myself.

website - its a work in progress. things are getting added all the time!

Italy - email me and i will hook you up

USA availability is being worked on currently!!

keep them coming guys.

Bring back the original Tom's Machine frame (black/gold/silver color scheme) and i'll buy 5. :) Closest frame ever to Head Pro Tour 280/630 but much better looking.

Would the new frames be paint job updates or a totally new line? Thanks!

michael valek

Hall of Fame
That's a good question. I have been lobbying hard for a "halo" or more player-oriented frame. Current white star / pro is very good, although a slightly heavier and more flexible frame would it sounds, be welcomed.
Paint job or new frame? I would hope for perhaps the addition of a newer frame to the current range. No guarantees though.
Kneissl has always had a special place in my heart. Too bad some of the older 80's frames couldn't be redone like the White Star Twins, Mids, and Bigs. A re-birh of Tom's Machine would be awsome as well...

Keep us posted!

Thanks for posting this thread. Count me in as a Toms Machine fan (especially the original) as well as the 2006 era White Stars. Any reintroduction of the Toms Machine 27.5" or less would be welcome and I would most likely pick up four myself.


Hall of Fame
Please return to the US! I'd love to demo the white and red stars. The 2006 red star seemed like a perfect stick, but i never found one to demo and didnt want to deal with grommets and finding more sticks. The current range sounds nice too.

Also, there's a new range coming out? :shock:


Kniessl Information feels a little like the Albanian Tourism Bureau; the products show up at TW now and then, though nowhere else in this country, then disappear. What's that all about?

Deleted member 495229

Thanks for all the feedback so reply to last comment, yes, we're trying to change that, so this confirms my idea that starting this thread was a good thing. new line etc is being discussed soon. Mike


a 28 inch frame... I like what I am hearing... as long as it doesnt swings like a tank...
If your engineers develop the specs in the right way.. Then YES.. YES.. YES..
Diablo XP oversize is a great 28 inch frame.. swings easy like a 27.


Would it be possible to get the specs for the latest/current line of racquets, as well as what's under consideration? Thanks.

My vote would be for 98 sq. in., 27.4-27.5", 16x20 pattern, 21-22mm beam, with an unstrung weight around 310 gms and unstrung balance of around 330mm (about 6 pts. HL).
Michael, welcome to the TT board. Very glad you are here. The green Tom's Machine and the White Stars from 2006/7 have been the most natural fit in my hand of any racquets I've ever used. New product is wonderful but hopefully we'll get the mainstays back from you as well.


Hall of Fame
Great Job Mike! Being mostly Wilson man, the only racket besides Wilson sticks which I enjoyed playing a lot was Kneissl Red Star 2006. What a stick! Just 2 factors which did torn us apart - Head-alike grip shape and XL length. Rest of the things were absolutely perfect to me. If only Kneissl *Stars could have made more rounded handle shape and have standard length - I would be sold..

Deleted member 495229

all good feedback so far. is anyone familiar with kneissl string? pro star, tour star and nylon star. i'm looking for more info about them.

Deleted member 495229

been using the white pro today. i have to say i think i prefer the regular. that could be down to the tension, which is lower than i normally have. undecided.....


New User
Real Pro specs

That's a good question. I have been lobbying hard for a "halo" or more player-oriented frame. Current white star / pro is very good, although a slightly heavier and more flexible frame would it sounds, be welcomed.
Paint job or new frame? I would hope for perhaps the addition of a newer frame to the current range. No guarantees though.

Hi Michael,

Indeed, the current white star sounds good, but I've been holding off until a classic is - hopefully - introduced.
Ideal specs would be flexy in the throat, 62-65 RA, 90 or 93 Sq In and 325g+

Something closer to the original white star, albeit upgraded with new technology to warrant more power would be great. Elements of the orifinal aero would be great too.

Can you confirm that the frames are actually made in Austria?

Keep up the good work.

Deleted member 495229

this kind of feedback is what i'm hearing from everyone. current frames are not made in austria. that may change however...

basil J

Hall of Fame
How about their skis? Are they still going to produce the white star series? Great sticks and they will be missed if they are done.

Deleted member 495229

i think some posts got deleted by TW, i'm not sure why. anyways, i can confirm that discussions did take place last week about a new range of rackets. i cannot reveal details just yet, but as soon as I can, I will. you'll hear it here first!
I've always loved the 1980s Kneissls, with their distinctive look and feel. I really think that the best strategy for the manufacturer would be to capitalize on that distinctive identity, and re-issue modernized versions of the White Star: a 27-inch white frame with an egg-shaped head and a thick shaft, tapering down toward the head. Of course, modernization would include a larger head (95 to 98), a bumper guard, and a synthetic grip. In fact, the Aero 30 C, with its ahead-of-its-time aerodynamics would be a good platform to start. Make it 320 to 325 grams unstrung. Have Ivan Lendl endorse the frame on the senior tour and in coaching pictures next to Andy Murray.

Ever since Muster was involved with the brand, it has evolved into a Head clone (albeit often in extended length). Rediscover your pre-Muster roots!


I've always loved the 1980s Kneissls, with their distinctive look and feel. I really think that the best strategy for the manufacturer would be to capitalize on that distinctive identity, and re-issue modernized versions of the White Star: a 27-inch white frame with an egg-shaped head and a thick shaft, tapering down toward the head. Of course, modernization would include a larger head (95 to 98), a bumper guard, and a synthetic grip. In fact, the Aero 30 C, with its ahead-of-its-time aerodynamics would be a good platform to start. Make it 320 to 325 grams unstrung. Have Ivan Lendl endorse the frame on the senior tour and in coaching pictures next to Andy Murray.

Ever since Muster was involved with the brand, it has evolved into a Head clone (albeit often in extended length). Rediscover your pre-Muster roots!
Good suggestions! Just want to added keep the composition Graphite/Kevlar.


Rookie post got deleted.

I will repeat: Monoshaft mid with the traditional kneissl egg shaped head would be an incredible serve/volley+slice racket!


i think some posts got deleted by TW, i'm not sure why. anyways, i can confirm that discussions did take place last week about a new range of rackets. i cannot reveal details just yet, but as soon as I can, I will. you'll hear it here first!

Hi, I wanted to correct a mistake on your Kneissl-uk website.
1982 Kneissl manufactures tennis rackets for Puma under the brand Puma.
That is not correct. In 1982 Kneissl manufactures tennis rackets for ADIDAS under the brand ADIDAS. Puma did not have rackets until 1985 and those were made in Taiwan by Kunnan Lo.

Deleted member 495229

i hope to have some news on new range in the next couple of weeks. and thanks for the correction suggestion, I will pass that info on. Way to go Andy Murray!


I bought a 2010 Black Star and White Star from Kneissl USA in Seattle. Love them both. Would play them more, but unfortunately cannot seem to get grommet sets for them and am concerned that by restringing them several times I will need new grommets.

Also, the Black star came strung with a white string - sort of a rough textured nylon or syngut. Great string! Have no idea which string it was though.

Would also like to see a Kneissl vibration dampener to match my sticks.

I have a Red Star but it is not the one from 2010, it's the model before that. Does anyone know which model that is? I bought it from TW maybe 2-3 years ago.

Glad this thread is here!

Deleted member 495229

sorry for the delay on news. its holiday season over in europe, but there should be some news on the new frames and clothes in september. thanks for being patient.

Deleted member 495229

i've been told new racket range will not be until next year. dont shoot the messenger!


Just strung up my 2010 white star today. Isospeed Baseline Speed 48/46.

We'll let it settle for a couple of days and take it out for a hit.

Looking forward to new sticks from Kneissl.


Hall of Fame
Just strung up my 2010 white star today. Isospeed Baseline Speed 48/46.

We'll let it settle for a couple of days and take it out for a hit.

Looking forward to new sticks from Kneissl.

Is that the one with the 23mm beam? Write up a review if you have the time please. More feedback is always good.