@PRChicago - With all due respect, to say Tecnifibre didn't intend for Triax (or RPX) to be hybrided in such a way as has been mentioned in this thread countless times (most with great success) is purely speculative, and that's being generous. Pair Triax in the mains with a super-slick and soft cross like IsoSpeed Cream and, aside from high levels of control and easier access to spin, you'll get full snapback for the vast majority of the string bed life and the string bed won't lock. The combo also results in nice dwell time and pocketing.
As if this thread needed any more anecdotal evidence, I personally just strung for and converted a hitting partner to RPX 1.30 / Cream 1.28 (in a stiff and crispy G360 Radical MP), who was previously playing Babolat Addixion full bed, and not only is he a big fan of the extra control and spin he gets out of the setup, he loves the fact that the string has never needed adjusting, nor has it ever locked on him -- unlike full-bed Addixion. So say what you will, but I urge you revisit the hybrid -- with the proper cross -- just to see for yourself what the possibilities can be.
As if this thread needed any more anecdotal evidence, I personally just strung for and converted a hitting partner to RPX 1.30 / Cream 1.28 (in a stiff and crispy G360 Radical MP), who was previously playing Babolat Addixion full bed, and not only is he a big fan of the extra control and spin he gets out of the setup, he loves the fact that the string has never needed adjusting, nor has it ever locked on him -- unlike full-bed Addixion. So say what you will, but I urge you revisit the hybrid -- with the proper cross -- just to see for yourself what the possibilities can be.
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