His attitude, his game everything with him is just i don´t know i dislike him pretty much - o.k. he is talented and will probably win a slam but it has nothing to do with him - how great he is or so - it has to do with era he will be playing- mugs like Coric beating in final-who is another ,,example,,
He hasn´t achieved anything particularly impressive, yet he is super overrated, he def. Nadal on grass - o.k impressive, but with his record lately on grass loosing to gyus like Darcis and Brown there is logic that big serving guy like him did it- now AO - he made QF - 1st guy since Roger as teenager o.k but look at his draw - 1st round clay-courter took him to 5 sets, 2nd round - Ivo - that´s always specific match, Ivo choked in that match few things, but o.k let´s say good win vs in-form Ivo, 3rd round - Jaziri - taking MTO-guy who is not even practising and so on, 4th round- Seppi loosing from 2sets up - no words for this - he lost that mach, but AUS media made it look Kyrgios won it..
Now Murray playing at 50% slicing like idiot all day took him apart like nothing and scoreline was much closer than match itself
His behaviour - i get he is young, but this is tennis not basketball, he is guy who would love to make slam dunks and standing ovation from crowd - playing for crowd or for results ? just choose please - i mean even Novak realized you can´t fool around if you want succes - so stopped with those imitations
He is super overrated, overhyped by Aussie media, just wait until he beats someone good and can back it up, let´say beating 2xtop20 players in a row - he has won what 2-3 matches on ATP tour only?
I don´t like to compare but just look at Tomic- few years ago - 2011 he made QF at Wimbledon - was super overrated, he believed himself and people believe what a future - he can still have- but my point - 3 and half year later he achieved big fat ZERO, won what Bogota vs Ivo 250level event, than Sydney i think beating Anderson ? 2 small events maybe, his ranking in last years - horrible, his attitude-horrible- now he started over maybe taking things more seriously, but just look at how this supertalent didn´t deliver, so i would be waiting to saying things like Kyrgios future No.1, 20 slams and so on, way to early to expect big things, with Nole, Rafa, Roger, Andy, even guys like Stan, Berdych, Nishikori, RAonic it takes time to be top 5 at least