La Decima project #4: Will Djokovic decimate Nadal on clay?

Novak to decimate?

  • Yes, Bull to get decimated.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, Bull's pride won't allow it.

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame
Djokovic downed Bull 8 times on clay already, just 2 wins away from totally decimating the Bull on his own turf. Will Djokovic do it?

Two weeks ago, TTWERS though Novak would do good if he could avoid Bull's bagels on clay so think and vote wisely.

Should it happen, it will be Djokovic's fourth clay La Decima.

1st: 10+ Masters titles.
2nd: 10+ RG semis.
3rd: 10+ Rome finals.
4th: Decimating Bull?

There is also another minor one.
10+ consecutive RG QFs. Already unlocked.


Vote and discuss.
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Bionic Poster
You would be posting wings and wrestling gifs if Nadal was doing this. :D

Nadal actually feels like a human being with positive emotions and is a fun person to root for. It literally feels like Djokovic is just obsessed with taking every bit of interest out of tennis.


Nadal actually feels like a human being with positive emotions and is a fun person to root for. It literally feels like Djokovic is just obsessed with taking every bit of interest out of tennis.
It’s all perspective, but I feel like Novak is just a fierce winner and competitor. So are Nadal and Federer but they hide it better


Bionic Poster
It’s all perspective, but I feel like Novak is just a fierce winner and competitor. So are Nadal and Federer but they hide it better

Nadal is like Frieza, he's hilarious and so fun to watch even though he wants to take over the universe. Djokovic is like Cell. Being the most powerful is everything to him and he just wants to absorb absorb absorb :oops: it's the same reason they keep bringing Frieza back but never Cell..... No one would be excited to see him lol


Bionic Poster
90's Shawn was a high spot monkey and sucked. Zero psychology unless he was in there with someone else who could structure a match. 2000's Shawn was epic though.

2000s Shawn had the more memorable matches for sure. 90s Shawn is just epic af lol..... Perhaps he made it look TOO easy in the 90s lol. It's pretty crazy he added the asai moonsault to his arsenal in the 00s as he seemed too scared to do it in the 90s lol


Nadal is like Frieza, he's hilarious and so fun to watch even though he wants to take over the universe. Djokovic is like Cell. Being the most powerful is everything to him and he just wants to absorb absorb absorb :oops: it's the same reason they keep bringing Frieza back but never Cell..... No one would be excited to see him lol

By that logic Djokovic is Goku...Seen as inferior to Nadal and Federer he climbed his way to be the best.

Always hungry for fighting,always wanting to beat the strongest and be the strongest...

Cell is self absorbed like Ivan Lendl,not Djokovic.


Hall of Fame
2000s Shawn had the more memorable matches for sure. 90s Shawn is just epic af lol..... Perhaps he made it look TOO easy in the 90s lol

To each their own. I think the Iron Match is crazy overrated. The two best wrestlers ever had 60 minutes to tell an awesome story with multiple pins and submissions and they somehow decided the best route was to have only one overtime. The end of regulation was epic though. Bret catching his missile drop kick and slapping on the sharpshooter as time ran out.

I thought Shawn's match at RR 98, where he hurt his back, against Taker was awesome. WM 11 main event with Diesal was garbage. But the ladder matches with RAzor are 5 stars for sue. But 2000's Shawn, legendary.


Bionic Poster
To each their own. I think the Iron Match is crazy overrated. The two best wrestlers ever had 60 minutes to tell an awesome story with multiple pins and submissions and they somehow decided the best route was to have only one overtime. The end of regulation was epic though. Bret catching his missile drop kick and slapping on the sharpshooter as time ran out.

I thought Shawn's match at RR 98, where he hurt his back, against Taker was awesome. WM 11 main event with Diesal was garbage. But the ladder matches with RAzor are 5 stars for sue. But 2000's Shawn, legendary.

Facts. I like Shawn vs Jarrett at in your house, Bad Blood 97 HIAC, mind games against Mankind etc :D


Hall of Fame
Fav matches?

Favorite Bret matches: SS 91 against Perfect, WM8 against Piper, SS 92 with Davey Boy, his KOTR 94 matches against Razor, Perfect and Bam Bam, SummerSlam cage match against Owen, and the two Stone Cold matches at Survivor Series and WM 13

Favorite Shawn matches: Ladder matches against Razor, RR 97 against Sid, RR 98 against Taker, WM Iron Man against Kurt Angle, Summer Slam against HHH, the WM match against Flair, and the two WM matches to close out his career against Taker.


Hall of Fame
Facts. I like Shawn vs Jarrett at in your house, Bad Blood 97 HIAC, mind games against Mankind etc :D

Oh damn! Forgot about the one against Mankind. That was a really weird juxtaposition of characters, like the Vader vs. Shawn match at SummerSlam. I thought Shawn as a champion never worked well though. That was one thing that Bret did do better.


Bionic Poster
Favorite Bret matches: WM8 against Piper, SS 92 with Davey Boy, his KOTR 94 matches against Razor, Perfect and Bam Bam, and the two Stone Cold matches at Survivor Series and WM 13

Favorite Shawn matches: Ladder matches against Razor, RR 97 against Sid, RR 98 against Taker, WM Iron Man against Kurt Angle, Summer Slam against HHH, the WM match against Flair, and the two WM matches to close out his career against Taker.

SummerSlam with HHH is ridiculously good :D Angle v Mysterio from SS02 is nutso too


Hall of Fame
"So if Djokovic beat Nadal 10 times on clay and Nadal has 13 RGs does that mean that morally Djokovic has 130 RGs? :unsure: "

-definitely some Djokovic fan on here


Bionic Poster
Nadal is still the overwhelming favorite for RG 2022 until further notice.

as for 2 more wins, it would really depend where those happen, right? If they play in Madrid or Rome or something in 2023/24 then definitely Djokovic could get to 10. They could very easily not meet at all next clay season either. Not sure


Bionic Poster
To each their own. I think the Iron Match is crazy overrated. The two best wrestlers ever had 60 minutes to tell an awesome story with multiple pins and submissions and they somehow decided the best route was to have only one overtime. The end of regulation was epic though. Bret catching his missile drop kick and slapping on the sharpshooter as time ran out.

I thought Shawn's match at RR 98, where he hurt his back, against Taker was awesome. WM 11 main event with Diesal was garbage. But the ladder matches with RAzor are 5 stars for sue. But 2000's Shawn, legendary.

That Iron Man ending in normal time was a tribute to their very first title match at Survivor Series 92.


Bionic Poster
Both matches happened on RAW in the 94 and 96, but Bret's and Shawn's matches against 1-2-3 Kid were spectacular, in their unique Bret and Shawn ways.

I wish it didn't bother me but it's annoying Shawn didn't wear the matching tops for his entrances after 2005, and never wore the matching gauntlets after 98 :mad:


Bionic Poster
Djokovic downed Bull 8 times on clay already, just 2 wins away from totally decimating the Bull on his own turf. Will Djokovic do it?

Two weeks ago, TTWERS though Novak would do good if he could avoid Bull's bagels on clay so think and vote wisely.

Should it happen, it will be Djokovic's fourth clay La Decima.

1st: 10+ Masters titles.
2nd: 10+ RG semis.
3rd: 10+ Rome finals.
4th: Decimating Bull?

There is also another minor one.
10+ consecutive RG QFs. Already unlocked.


Vote and discuss.

He's beat him enough for me now on clay. RG 2021 perfect ending to their clay rivalry. ;)


Hall of Fame
Alpha Slayer
Like wild fire
Comes roaring
Mad whirlwind
Burning the road!
Black thunder
White lightning
Speed Demons cry
The Hell Patrol...!
The Hell Patrol
Night riders
Death dealers
Tear up the ground!
Fist flying
Eyes blazing
They're glory bound
The Hell Patrol...!
The Hell Patrol
Brutalize you
Neutralize you
Gonna go for your throat as you choke Then they'll vaporapeize you
Terrorize you
Pulverize you
Djokovic is most fun off the court for me. The guy is the Joker :D. Fedal fans should acknowledge that they don't like him because a 'few' (read many) titles and records went to Novak at the expense of their faves. That's all there is