Hall of Fame
Djokovic downed Bull 8 times on clay already, just 2 wins away from totally decimating the Bull on his own turf. Will Djokovic do it?
Two weeks ago, TTWERS though Novak would do good if he could avoid Bull's bagels on clay so think and vote wisely.
Should it happen, it will be Djokovic's fourth clay La Decima.
1st: 10+ Masters titles.
2nd: 10+ RG semis.
3rd: 10+ Rome finals.
4th: Decimating Bull?
There is also another minor one.
10+ consecutive RG QFs. Already unlocked.
Vote and discuss.
Two weeks ago, TTWERS though Novak would do good if he could avoid Bull's bagels on clay so think and vote wisely.
Should it happen, it will be Djokovic's fourth clay La Decima.
1st: 10+ Masters titles.
2nd: 10+ RG semis.
3rd: 10+ Rome finals.
4th: Decimating Bull?
There is also another minor one.
10+ consecutive RG QFs. Already unlocked.

Vote and discuss.
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